The Unrest Podcast
The Unrest Podcast
Real Life Haunt: Nadine and Cathy
Real Life Haunt: Nadine and Cathy
Happy is finally a new year and with that comes new spooky tales. Our first RLH is Nadine who tells us about what happened when she moved into a brand new home and when she had her brand new baby.
Then we hear from Cathy Williams who has an amazing story with Native American roots.
If you have a story that you want us to hear email us at
Unrest In Peace
Real Life Haunt: Nadine and Cathy
00:00:04 Speaker 1
The unrest, the unrest, the Unrest Podcast podcast podcast.
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Welcome to the Unrest podcast. In this new year 2023, I'm Caitlin Stansell.
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The unrest podcast.
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The Flynn version.
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We both have holds.
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But we have some great stories if you haven't already subscribed to the Unrest podcast, please do so.
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It would just be a real treat.
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And we love treats.
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And tricks, but talking about the.
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New Year, yeah, it's the same.
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Old us here we're starting the year with colds and we should have named our ghost flemmie we were saying.
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Yeah, but instead we do have a new name for our ghost.
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If you guys listened to the past few times we have a little ghost mascot and his name.
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Or her name?
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Crap, I think we're.
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I think we're it's officially a female.
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Yeah it's a female.
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Oh, maybe it's an it's, I guess.
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The name is name.
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Let's be.
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Either way, OK, they use they them pronouns.
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Its name is boozy, yes, thank you Liva Holland.
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We're a little drunk on cough syrup too.
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I think on axe.
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But Libby Hollin is our ghost named winner.
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She's also one of our original listeners, so thank you so much Lobo for the great name.
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Again, our little ghost mascot that you have seen on social media, now its name is boozy.
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Our very first.
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Episode of 2023 is going really well so.
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The cluster and this story.
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Today our real life honk comes from Nadine, so her and her man.
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They moved from New York to Florida and they said on the first day of sort of unboxing unpacking the spirit there within this House made itself known.
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Take a listen.
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2015 I've moved from New York to Florida to a rental house in Florida. Everything.
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Was fine and.
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We moved in.
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The first thing we noticed is kind of weird was me and my boyfriend were in the garage.
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Me and.
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Him are the only ones.
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In the garage.
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We just put a load of laundry in.
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Closed the lid.
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Went back to the edge of the garage and was cleaning up sleeping up dirt on the floor.
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Looked back and the lid was open.
I was like.
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OK, Gordon, did you forget to put more clothes in because it was?
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Gordon, do you forget?
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To put more clothes in.
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You opened.
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It he's like.
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No, I was.
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Here with you the whole time.
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So that was first thing that we know.
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This thing was weird there.
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Little things like.
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You turn the light off the kitchen, go another room, come back it's on.
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No house was the house when I had my son a couple of years later.
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After live in the house, it started to get more activity increased.
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My son was a newborn and he was laying on my boyfriend's chest.
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On the.
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Couch and I.
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Was in the kitchen, so two completely different rooms.
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And he heard in his ear.
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Keyden really soft.
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Like female voice you know whisper.
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And he opened his eyes and looked down, and no one's there called out for me, saying, did you just whisper in my ear? You know our.
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Son's name
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And I was.
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Like no, I was in the kitchen.
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So it was definitely some type of female spirit.
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And a few weeks later it happened to.
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Me where I was watching TV.
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And I heard Mommy right in my ear, like literally someone's just whispering right here. Look around, no one's there.
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Definitely some something was.
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There I'm not, you know, we didn't look in.
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The history of the house.
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The baby swing started.
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Moving on his own.
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Constantly and there was no.
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We closed all the doors, although because it was hot outside so there's AC but the AC.
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Wouldn't make the baby swing.
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Go back and forth because there's not enough like wind and it would continually go back and forth like just swaying on its own.
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There's other little.
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Things here and there.
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But definitely we felt that was a spirit in there.
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My boyfriend has seen an apparition, but a different house.
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A different circumstance, but he believed in ghosts before we moved in, and I was.
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I still was like, yeah, probably not.
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I was like a skeptic.
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But now since living in that house experiencing things, I believe now it was, it was not like a scary thing like they are trying to scare us.
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Or who are it was I think we're just letting know so.
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It was their house before we moved in the community we moved into was mostly elderly people, so I don't think and an elderly lady who lived in the house years before we did must have passed away in the House.
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That's what my guess would be.
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Maybe I felt like it was the motherly instinct came back.
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He moved out like a year after he was born and he was like.
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One so but little.
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Things like that.
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My daughter had a couple instances of where she was kind of.
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Freaked out a little bit.
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Like hearing things in the House when she.
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Was home alone?
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This wasn't me. I'll tell you what my boyfriend's.
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Saying when he was a teenager, his girlfriend.
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Invited him over to her bedroom to sleep over.
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So he was like.
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1617 Ish this is in upstate New York and Elmira NY.
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So he was.
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Just falling asleep.
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She was already sleeping.
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You know the lights were off.
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It was dark in her room.
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Something told him there's something there that bottom the bed so he opened his eyes.
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You know, he felt something.
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He looked.
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And if you ever seen like a shadow, it was completely white.
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It was like a white shadow is what he explained it as.
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Misty's not real deformed, but you can tell it was humanoid shape he froze. He tried to like get his girl's attention next to him like but he was in shock. He didn't want to take the eyes off of it.
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Whatever, whatever it was, and then it finally he could talk and and he shook his girlfriend really hard.
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He's like what the hell did I just see was like what was that like?
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It disappeared as soon as.
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She woke up.
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And she said, what are you talking about?
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I was like she's something I don't know what it like.
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He didn't.
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He didn't see a ghost before, so he don't know what it was.
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And evidently her dad passed away in that same room that they were sleeping in, and she said she talked up to ohh, I think I just you just see.
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My dad, he.
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Actually got up, got dressed and walked home.
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He said no, I'm doing it never.
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Slept in that room again.
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You know whatever this ghost is, it is an older house, so it definitely could be something, but I feel like it was kind.
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Of you know, since they did hear almost like a childlike person, calling their name or like a momma, it could have been, you know kid related.
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Maybe it was a a child ghost.
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Or maybe just an O.
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The ghost of.
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The house it's been there since its beginning.
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Well, Anne, talk about, I mean like you're moving from New York to Florida, which is already a big move.
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And literally the first few days you're there, you notice.
00:08:03 Speaker 3
OK, there might.
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Be a ghost.
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In this house.
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And that they have like sort of a whispering voice, not, I feel like that's one of the sort of experiences that you could easily like.
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Talk yourself out of noticing.
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Like did I hear something you know?
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Well, thank you, Nadine, for sharing that story with us.
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Our next real life Hunt was sent in from Kathy Williams.
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She is from the Michigan area, or at least that's where this story took place.
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So take a listen to her story.
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That may have some connection to a Native American tribe.
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Down in the village of Dundee, MI is the Macon Reserve.
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The old mill on Toledo St.
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has a sign outside that speaks of the Indians that once were on that spot down on Bigelow Road, near the Raisin River is a marked burial spot of the Potawatomi Indians with an engraved large stone.
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There is also a county park that has another marked Native American trail by the river off Bigelow.
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Road our property is just a mile out of town. My husband's family owned both sides of the street and down the road, but all that's left is the 8 acres and small house.
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His great grandfather Geo Irish owned it and Irish Rd.
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is just around the corner.
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My oldest son is Blackfoot.
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Quirky Indian and has certain abilities with the paranormal Raging Bull.
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War Boy is his name on YouTube.
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If you'd like to check him out.
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He said there were several spirits that would travel through the portals.
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I had.
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This also confirmed by a close friend who was a medium and urged us to close them.
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There are power lines that run through our property and tragedy has happened as well.
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53 years ago a car went off the road and hit the house and tree out in front. It burned the house to the ground.
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The house was later rebuilt, but further back from the road the driver of that car was killed and two people ended up surviving.
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You can see a black man sitting facing the small woods on the side of that road and inside the house.
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You can hear conversations between a man and a woman.
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There's also a spirit of a little girl who is often mistaken as my daughter by several family members, strange smells and fragrances emanate from time to time.
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Bacon, coffee, perfume powder and cigars.
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Strange voices also can be heard calling our names footsteps upstairs when no one is home, strange lights, UFOs, even strange beings around the cornfields.
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When I lived there, I couldn't look out the windows after dark because I felt them standing there looking in at me.
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But even after everything that had happened, the story I'm about to share with you gave me No Fear. It almost gave me a peaceful feeling back in the spring of 2005. I was working in my garden on our eight acre property in Michigan. Our property was extremely haunted and had several portals.
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The area is known for the Potawatomi tribe that lived and fished on the river Raisin and a burial mound was found during that time.
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Not too far away.
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I like to listen to the native flute as I commune with nature.
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It was a way to connect with my ancestors and get away from the stress.
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I was alone in the field as I was digging.
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Up iris and transplanting them.
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When I started to.
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Hear the beating of a drum.
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It gets louder and louder as if it was getting closer, and as I look up from what I was doing, I saw the spirit of a male Indian dressed as he was from back then he quickly vanished and then the drumming ceased.
00:12:04 Speaker 2
So hearing her sort of talk about like this rhythmic drum beat that led to this experience, it makes me think about like how sound is so influential when it comes to the paranormal.
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And just like really in law.
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Wife, you know when we went to Sedona for my Bachelorette?
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We did that sound bath and just like what?
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An amazing experience that was sound is like it's therapeutic, but also I think it's just sort of like an entry point to maybe like opening your senses to things that you might not be aware of in your.
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Day-to-day life.
00:12:43 Speaker 3
Yeah I definitely agree and I enjoy how you know she gives us this back story of this, you know, haunted area that you know tragedy has struck and it's been a really terrible.
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You know, some terrible stuff has happened and it the residual energy of that terrible.
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Stuff it seems to still be.
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There, but the fact that you know she's out there in the spring, in her garden and she hears this drumming and she is not filled with fear.
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She is filled, you know, with a type of peace and it almost brings her like a calming effect.
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I think that's really neat because you don't always get that with these.
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Type of stories.
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Definitely no.
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I love that about this story and it also makes me think about you know, just talking.
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About like native.
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American influence and just sort of how like our surroundings like hold these sorts of vibes.
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Again, going back to Sedona, we went down to this.
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It's called a vortex.
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And it's sort of where like this water goes to this area that set.
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Is supposed to.
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Have all this energy and our tour guide made us like put our hand on the ground and I swear we could feel like this sort of vibrational frequency as you touch the ground.
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And again, I just think like you know, Native Americans were really connected to.
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Nature and like their surroundings.
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And it's just very telling that sort of the introduction to this experience for her was this sort of drum beat.
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I can just see it in my.
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Head, you know?
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Like whenever you think of Native Americans, you do think of, you know, like the drums and the dancing and there's just something about you.
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Know the Native Americans.
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I've always been kind of drawn to older Native Americans were just so wise and and just had so much you know to teach you.
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And I do feel like as a culture we we could learn a lot more from the older people.
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We're really.
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Quick to dismiss the lessons from our elders.
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Then you know those older generations, so take this.
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And I think that's what?
00:14:51 Speaker 3
Yeah, that's with any generation, not just Native Americans, but like you know, African Americans.
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Even all white men, I mean.
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It is anyone.
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It's interesting it is interesting to hear their stories and their takes on things and granted they make contradict themselves.
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The world is different today.
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But yeah, it's very different and being.
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On here is hard sometimes.
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Because you don't know.
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What to say?
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Let us all take these lessons into 2023. Thank you so much for sharing those stories with us and again happy 2023 in this new year.
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And hey, a new year means plenty of new real life haunts and we.
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Want to hear your?
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Stories, so make sure you e-mail us at the unrest.
00:15:35 Speaker 2 or.
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You can check us out on Facebook.
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We have a regular Facebook and a Facebook group where we put all kinds of interesting fun facts.
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Also you can check us out on TikTok and Instagram and we just want you to have a really haunted new year. But until next time.
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Unrest in peace.