The Unrest Podcast

Real Life Haunt: April Edwards

Madeleine Green, Kaitlin Stansell

Real Life Haunt: April Edwards

This RLH is a treat April lives in the Appalachians and has a popular Tik Tok where she talks about Appalachian Folklore and Fold Magic. If you want to check her out her handle is @apriledwardss on Tik Tok.

She shares with us some of the popular stories that are told in the Appalachians and then also shares a few paranormal stories that she has witnessed as well. 

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Real Life Haunt: April Edwards


00:00:04 Speaker 1 

The unrest, the unrest, the Unrest Podcast, podcast, podcast. 

00:00:17 Speaker 2 

Welcome to the Unrest podcast. 

00:00:19 Speaker 2 

I'm Caitlin stansell. 

00:00:21 Speaker 2 

And I'm Madeline green. 

00:00:23 Speaker 2 

If you are not already subscribed to the Unrest podcast, do it or Die. 

00:00:31 Speaker 2 

And if you like what you hear. 

00:00:34 Speaker 2 

Check our BIOS out. 

00:00:35 Speaker 2 

You can donate money to us because why not give us money for what we're doing here? 

00:00:42 Speaker 2 

No, but really is on point. Therefore donate $3. 

00:00:47 Speaker 2 

For the cause. 

00:00:50 Speaker 3 

And the cause is that hopefully at Halloween we can do a really fun live episode. 

00:00:54 Speaker 3 

But we need your help to. 

00:00:56 Speaker 3 

Get there to do something fun for it. 

00:00:58 Speaker 3 

So yeah, if you like what you hear, donate. 

00:01:01 Speaker 3 

And you know, we're not just about receiving. 

00:01:03 Speaker 3 

We also want to give. 

00:01:05 Speaker 3 

So we're doing a giveaway and. 

00:01:07 Speaker 2 

We're givers. 

00:01:07 Speaker 3 

This giveaway is. 

00:01:09 Speaker 3 

This giveaway is another round of our boozy sticker collection and a gift card to help us get to 1000 Instagram followers so shares with your friends, your family, your loved ones, your significant others, whoever your yours where your frenemies, you know we love sharing these stories with. 

00:01:23 Speaker 2 

You're in the main. 

00:01:28 Speaker 3 

All of you. 

00:01:28 Speaker 3 

So help us spread more of the spooky love out there. 

00:01:33 Speaker 2 

And Speaking of spooky love, this week's real life haunt is a treat. Her name is April Edwards, and she is on TikTok. She's into the Appalachian folklore and folk magic, and she's also a sociologist, which is pretty cool. 

00:01:53 Speaker 2 

Let me pull up what her exact TikTok handle is, so if you want you can go follow her. 

00:02:00 Speaker 3 

You know, I never realized that this Appalachian folklore and folk magic was such a big thing. But you know, I'm seeing more and more of it on TikTok now, and it's so interesting. 

00:02:09 Speaker 2 

Interesting. Sure. And so her handle is at April Edwards with two SS's at the end. So definitely go check her out and see all the fun, spooky stories that she shares on there. 

00:02:21 Speaker 2 

But it was awesome to get to talk to her. 

00:02:23 Speaker 2 

And not only did she share with us, you know her Appalachian heritage and that kind of thing, she also shared some paranormal stories as well. 

00:02:32 Speaker 2 

It's a little longer real life hunt, but it's definitely worth it. 

00:02:35 Speaker 2 

So take a listen. 

00:02:39 Speaker 4 

My name is. 

00:02:40 Speaker 4 

April Edwards and I've lived in Appalachia my entire life and in West. 

00:02:45 Speaker 4 

Virginia, which is the only state. 

00:02:47 Speaker 4 

That's entirely in Appalachia, so when I. 

00:02:49 Speaker 4 

Was a kid. 


And my grand. 

00:02:52 Speaker 4 

I was always. 


She would. She had. 

00:02:54 Speaker 4 

The crazy to me at the time, it was the craziest superstition. 

00:02:58 Speaker 4 

She would always. 

00:02:58 Speaker 4 

Have a simmer pot on. 

00:03:00 Speaker 4 

She would have me putting clothes and oranges. 

00:03:03 Speaker 4 

I mean random stuff. 

00:03:05 Speaker 4 

I thought where in. 

00:03:05 Speaker 4 

The world as I get older, you know, I did this like. 

00:03:09 Speaker 4 

Arts and crafts for me, so I thought. 

00:03:12 Speaker 4 


00:03:12 Speaker 4 

Yeah, this is alright. 

00:03:13 Speaker 4 

But and then I kind of started you. 

00:03:16 Speaker 4 

Then you take West Virginia history, which is a difficult class and I started learning a lot. 

00:03:22 Speaker 4 

About all the people how long people have lived here and the struggles that have gone, not just West Virginia, but in Appalachia. 

00:03:30 Speaker 4 

And it was a really difficult class. 

00:03:32 Speaker 4 

Like, I don't even know if my 13 year old brain was developed enough to handle it. 

00:03:37 Speaker 4 

But you know I. 

00:03:38 Speaker 4 

I was on track. 

00:03:39 Speaker 4 

I always wanted to. 

00:03:40 Speaker 4 

Be a like therapist or psychologist. 

00:03:42 Speaker 4 

And that's when I and I am a sociologist and I started at that time thinking about things outside of ourselves that. 

00:03:49 Speaker 4 

We don't really control, you know that you make the best with and, and that's actually there's kind of like a fatalistic perspective. 

00:03:57 Speaker 4 

So I kind of wanted to think, why do people here think that way? 

00:04:00 Speaker 4 

And that's what got. 

00:04:01 Speaker 4 

To me, it started at about. 

00:04:03 Speaker 4 

That age when. 

00:04:04 Speaker 4 

I started thinking. 

00:04:06 Speaker 4 

What is it in Appalachia that why are we always seen as like outsiders and why are we kind of not necessarily the stereotype so much, but why are we so isolated and and that class helped a lot you know about the rural area and called to migrate? 

00:04:25 Speaker 4 

Everything and that's how I got started into a folklore. 

00:04:30 Speaker 4 

It it also. 

00:04:31 Speaker 4 

My grandmother had explained to me around. 

00:04:33 Speaker 4 

That same time that. 

00:04:35 Speaker 4 

Had a lot to do her perspective with a lot of this stuff had a. 

00:04:38 Speaker 4 

Lot to do with. 

00:04:39 Speaker 4 

She was born in 1919. Oh. 

00:04:41 Speaker 4 

8 her I. 

00:04:42 Speaker 4 

Guess it was her cousins in the 1700s had gotten lost and some of the Native Americans was a Shawnee tribe, the Shawnee nation. 

00:04:52 Speaker 4 

You know, they were like on the other. 

00:04:53 Speaker 4 

Side of the. 

00:04:54 Speaker 4 

Mountain. Literally and. 

00:04:56 Speaker 4 

They ended up they found these three children. 

00:04:59 Speaker 4 

Well, they found one of them made it back, but they found two children and they. 

00:05:03 Speaker 4 

Took them in. 

00:05:04 Speaker 4 

And my grandma always told me. 

00:05:07 Speaker 4 

April, I want you to remember that's what happened when you read history. 

00:05:11 Speaker 4 

That's not necessarily what has happened, and it's kind of explained to me like, what oral tradition. 

00:05:17 Speaker 4 

And you. 

00:05:18 Speaker 4 

Know I and I have seen if. 

00:05:20 Speaker 4 

You go to ancestry, it'll it tells. 

00:05:22 Speaker 5 

You something completely different. 

00:05:23 Speaker 4 

That's that's not right, you know. 

00:05:25 Speaker 4 

But they're always had me thinking, you know, you can't let your oral traditions go. 

00:05:30 Speaker 4 

And of course, some of them are superstitions and outdated. 

00:05:33 Speaker 4 

You just take that grain of salt and the knowledge and information that you get from it. 

00:05:40 Speaker 4 

And you know now nowadays we can do research so. 

00:05:43 Speaker 5 

That's how I. 

00:05:44 Speaker 4 

Got into looking into folklore and then it turns into. 

00:05:48 Speaker 4 

A rabbit hole. 

00:05:50 Speaker 4 

Appalachian folklore is basically. 

00:05:54 Speaker 4 

Oral tradition that we've passed on to each. 

00:05:56 Speaker 4 

Other and it's based upon community. 

00:06:01 Speaker 4 

More or less more so. 

00:06:02 Speaker 4 

Even kind of your family, which will be your community, but also like people that lived on the other side. 

00:06:08 Speaker 4 

Of the mountain. 

00:06:09 Speaker 4 

Or people, it's people in proximity to you because Appalachia is really difficult. 

00:06:15 Speaker 4 

The terrain is really difficult. 


In a lot of. 

00:06:17 Speaker 4 

Areas so the folklore is what I get you. 

00:06:22 Speaker 4 

Know I say elders, but it's what? 

00:06:24 Speaker 4 

Your grandparents or your aunts or uncles or people at church will pass down to you and tell you oh, hey, did you know that that used to be the old schoolhouse? 

00:06:33 Speaker 4 

We only had one schoolhouse here, and there's always something. 

00:06:37 Speaker 4 

It's your elders want you to know that there was there here, but that they shared the land here. 

00:06:44 Speaker 4 

With the Native Americans and you know everyone who lived here prior to us being here, it's a conglomerate of descendants in this area and it's their acknowledgement of one another. 

00:06:59 Speaker 4 

And the past and the history that they that we've brought together with each other, it's so it's a combined ideology maybe that we all share and respect. 

00:07:10 Speaker 4 

So you you'll you'll see people discuss. 

00:07:13 Speaker 4 

It, but there's really not a lot of bickering. 

00:07:14 Speaker 4 

It's kind of I think it's really unique because, you know, in a lot of. 

00:07:17 Speaker 4 

Other areas that you're like? 

00:07:19 Speaker 4 

They're just. 

00:07:20 Speaker 4 

One ghost story. 

00:07:21 Speaker 4 

They're just doing this and that, but with here, you know, we'll go ahead and say. 

00:07:25 Speaker 4 

There is a lot. 

00:07:26 Speaker 4 

There are a lot of just burial places, a lot of really sacred places to different cultures. 

00:07:33 Speaker 4 

We will will respect and we make sure to not bother or disturb those things and. 

00:07:40 Speaker 4 

You know, you may hear the most insane reason and. 

00:07:43 Speaker 4 

You if you look. 

00:07:44 Speaker 4 

Cheap enough you'll find the real reason you know. 

00:07:46 Speaker 4 

Just because it's respectful or what have you. 

00:07:49 Speaker 4 

And that's in a nutshell. What Appalachian folklore is. It's the individuals who lived here and were isolated here and became one another's neighbors, and they shared their cultures with each other. 

00:08:02 Speaker 4 

And because of the isolation, it just stuck really well. 

00:08:06 Speaker 4 

Some of the stuff makes sense to me because I would think. 

00:08:10 Speaker 4 

OK, that's just polite. 

00:08:11 Speaker 4 

You don't. 

00:08:11 Speaker 4 

Want to roam around someone's house? 

00:08:13 Speaker 4 

But then. 

00:08:13 Speaker 4 

It was no, you're. 

00:08:14 Speaker 4 

Not allowed to go out that door. 

00:08:15 Speaker 4 

And I think what in the? 

00:08:18 Speaker 5 

So I think some of it could be fatalistic. 

00:08:20 Speaker 5 

But like you said, I'll. 

00:08:21 Speaker 4 

Go back to the woods story. 

00:08:23 Speaker 4 

Sometimes things did happen to kids in the woods and maybe they didn't understand. 

00:08:26 Speaker 4 

I mean, but. 

00:08:27 Speaker 4 

My grandmother was adamant about fairies and Faye and would tell me you don't want to find. 

00:08:33 Speaker 5 

A leprechaun you catch. 

00:08:34 Speaker 4 

A leprechaun be the last thing you'd. 

00:08:36 Speaker 5 

Ever want to? 

00:08:36 Speaker 4 

Do you know? 

00:08:37 Speaker 4 

And I think what? 

00:08:38 Speaker 4 

In the world. 

00:08:39 Speaker 4 

So it's partially based in truth. 

00:08:42 Speaker 4 

To them, because it depends upon your perspective. 

00:08:46 Speaker 4 

And then when you live there, you know, like we live here and you. 

00:08:50 Speaker 4 

Know that there's. 

00:08:52 Speaker 4 

Of course, you know we have black bears. 

00:08:53 Speaker 4 

Luckily, I'm I'm afraid of things that can eat me. 

00:08:55 Speaker 4 

So luckily we don't have. 

00:08:56 Speaker 4 

Groceries. But. 

00:08:58 Speaker 4 

Bears, deer, all kinds of stuff. 

00:09:01 Speaker 4 

So you know, you don't have to really just be cautious as anyone would in the woods. 

00:09:06 Speaker 4 

But there's so much that's not known. And when I say it's not been explored, I don't mean that no one's ever been there. I just mean that. 

00:09:15 Speaker 4 

It people are very it's not very often. 

00:09:18 Speaker 4 

That people are in these areas and there are some areas. 

00:09:21 Speaker 4 

That the terrain's just. 

00:09:23 Speaker 4 

So horrible you can't reach. 

00:09:25 Speaker 4 

So that leaves that question in your mind of what could possibly be going on there. 

00:09:31 Speaker 4 

And since there's no answer. 

00:09:34 Speaker 4 

There's a lot of folklore and superstition that fills that that fills in the question so. 

00:09:41 Speaker 4 

And also they're, you know. 

00:09:43 Speaker 4 

People, all kinds of different types of people, hunters, people. 


Who hike people? 

00:09:48 Speaker 4 

Who aren't even from here will go to. 

00:09:49 Speaker 4 

The Appalachian Trail, and it's not difficult. 

00:09:52 Speaker 4 

To to go to YouTube or Google or and time. 

00:09:56 Speaker 4 

Their stories as well, so that a lot of I think a lot of. 

00:10:00 Speaker 4 

Where that comes from. 

00:10:01 Speaker 4 

Is we're not quite sure. 

00:10:03 Speaker 4 

You know, I we don't know that there aren't things living there. 

00:10:08 Speaker 4 

I mean, you scientifically, if you want to run it through the process, it would think, Oh no, there's nothing living here. 

00:10:17 Speaker 4 

Bigfoot's a real thing to me. I mean, I don't know that he. 

00:10:20 Speaker 4 

Does not exist. 

00:10:21 Speaker 4 

You can't prove this. 

00:10:21 Speaker 4 

There's a lot, you know. 

00:10:22 Speaker 4 

It's better to just kind of err on the side of caution. 

00:10:26 Speaker 4 

I mean, the moth man sightings. 

00:10:28 Speaker 4 

There's like there. 

00:10:29 Speaker 4 

Have been articles, movies. 

00:10:31 Speaker 4 

Made about this. 

00:10:32 Speaker 4 

So the fear is real. 

00:10:34 Speaker 4 

If that makes sense, I mean, I mean. 

00:10:36 Speaker 4 

It's just the truth that you will go out in the woods and you'll be there at night and you'll hear something that sounds like singing. 

00:10:43 Speaker 4 

I mean, you can't explain that. 

00:10:46 Speaker 4 

I can't explain it and. 

00:10:48 Speaker 4 

I don't like to sound like I've. 

00:10:50 Speaker 4 

Lost my mind when I. 

00:10:51 Speaker 4 

Explain it to people. 

00:10:52 Speaker 4 

That it, you know, it's something that really happened. 

00:10:55 Speaker 4 

You know, your senses really are a little bit altered. 

00:10:59 Speaker 4 

And you do feel like you're in an altered space and altered area. 

00:11:03 Speaker 4 

And that's just the that's the best way to describe. 

00:11:06 Speaker 4 

The don't go out in the woods at night. 

00:11:08 Speaker 4 

There's just so much. 

00:11:10 Speaker 4 

That's there that you hear. 

00:11:12 Speaker 4 

That you can't explain. 

00:11:14 Speaker 4 

Our parents and caregivers always just made sure that. 

00:11:19 Speaker 4 

You you knew. 

00:11:21 Speaker 4 

What it could? 

00:11:22 Speaker 4 

Be there wasn't any sugarcoating it like we were. 

00:11:25 Speaker 4 

Told as kids don't go in the. 

00:11:27 Speaker 4 

Woods and scream out. 

00:11:28 Speaker 4 

Your name and we just didn't question. 

00:11:31 Speaker 4 

It you know, it was like, OK. 

00:11:33 Speaker 4 

And then when you're in the woods with your friends and you're sitting in your. 

00:11:36 Speaker 5 

Tree house and. 

00:11:37 Speaker 4 

You get you. 

00:11:38 Speaker 4 

Know creeped? 

00:11:38 Speaker 4 

Out you kind of think ohh. 

00:11:40 Speaker 4 

My mom might be. 

00:11:41 Speaker 4 

Right, OK. 

00:11:42 Speaker 4 

The Appalachian stories that I've heard, obviously you know. 

00:11:45 Speaker 4 

There's moth, man. 

00:11:46 Speaker 4 

I haven't heard anything about Moth man anymore. 

00:11:49 Speaker 5 

You know that everybody. 

00:11:51 Speaker 4 

Else has, you know, because there's been a movie people have gotten into it. 

00:11:55 Speaker 4 

It's a pop culture thing now. 

00:11:57 Speaker 4 

So that story is one that. 

00:12:01 Speaker 4 

You know, 66 out the most and you know, I know it sounds like the most obvious one, but it around here for us, it's not really about moth man or whatever. We saw it's about the Silver bridge collapsing. That's when most men was seen prior to that and is always seen. 

00:12:21 Speaker 4 

Prior to incidents like negative circumstances, it's almost as if he's either coming to give a warning or. 

00:12:30 Speaker 4 

Has where people. 

00:12:31 Speaker 4 

See him as a, you know, and think, OK, there's something's gonna happen with a good instinct or. 

00:12:37 Speaker 4 

We've never had a bridge fall in this area like that and everyone like my grandmother knew someone who passed away because it's a small community, really rare and strange. 

00:12:48 Speaker 4 

Bizarre reason it happened like a loose bolt or I really can't recall right now, but like that was ingrained in us as children. 

00:12:57 Speaker 4 

You know when. 

00:12:57 Speaker 4 

Here, your grandma talked about her friend that passed away from the Silver bridge, you know, collapsing. 

00:13:03 Speaker 5 

That's a real thing. 

00:13:04 Speaker 4 

So then they. 

00:13:05 Speaker 4 

Make that makes Mothman real because they really saw. 

00:13:09 Speaker 4 

That, and they're really making that connection and it's it. 

00:13:12 Speaker 4 

Makes you also put. 

00:13:14 Speaker 4 

Correlations together with other things. 

00:13:16 Speaker 4 

So when you're growing up. 

00:13:18 Speaker 4 

Like that, it kind of teaches you. 

00:13:20 Speaker 4 

You trust your good instinct on things. 

00:13:22 Speaker 4 

A little bit more, we're. 

00:13:23 Speaker 4 

Constantly told, you know, if you see. 

00:13:25 Speaker 4 

Him be prepared. 

00:13:26 Speaker 4 

Because sometimes you know he's been saying and then positive things occur, but usually not. 

00:13:32 Speaker 4 

You know, again, it's focalor. 

00:13:34 Speaker 4 

So you have to take it with a grain of salt on who told you you wouldn't. 

00:13:37 Speaker 4 

You know, you would definitely. 

00:13:38 Speaker 4 

Trust somebody that's older. 

00:13:40 Speaker 4 

Your friends may think. 

00:13:42 Speaker 4 

Oh well, what do you know, you've just seen? 

00:13:43 Speaker 4 

The movie, but. 

00:13:44 Speaker 4 

You know, it still makes an imprint upon you. 

00:13:48 Speaker 4 

And upon the. 

00:13:48 Speaker 4 

Way that you think so. 

00:13:49 Speaker 4 

It really is the one that it thing it. 

00:13:52 Speaker 4 

Gets to the heart of. 

00:13:53 Speaker 4 

Everybody in West Virginia, I mean at at. 

00:13:56 Speaker 4 

Ohio as well, because the Gallipolis area. 

00:13:59 Speaker 4 

There were a lot of battles with the Shawnee, and that ground has seen a lot of just chaos and negativity and death. 

00:14:09 Speaker 4 

Having all that there and then the governments come in at different points and made top secret areas where they may be just storing, they'll say, hey, who knows but you. 

00:14:18 Speaker 4 

Know that adds to it. 

00:14:20 Speaker 4 

There's so many connections with moth, man and everyone. 

00:14:23 Speaker 4 

That lives here. 

00:14:24 Speaker 4 

That that would probably I I just I gotta give. 

00:14:27 Speaker 4 

A shout out. 

00:14:27 Speaker 4 

On that one, because I I think that's the best. 

00:14:30 Speaker 4 

Way for people who don't. 

00:14:31 Speaker 4 

Here to understand even if this never was made into a movie, if it had never turned. 

00:14:36 Speaker 4 

Into pop culture, we. 

00:14:38 Speaker 4 

Still have memorials or the day that the bridge fell and and there have been a couple of. 

00:14:44 Speaker 4 

Floods really, really bad. 

00:14:45 Speaker 4 

Floods and he's been, he'll be spotted. 

00:14:49 Speaker 4 

Before that occurs. 

00:14:50 Speaker 4 

As well, but when it comes to him. 

00:14:51 Speaker 4 

Being he's being seen before the the bridge falling. 

00:14:55 Speaker 4 

It wasn't just. 

00:14:56 Speaker 4 

Like once or twice, it was a couple of people. 

00:15:00 Speaker 4 

You can Google. 

00:15:00 Speaker 4 

This and research. 

00:15:01 Speaker 4 

It but a couple. 

00:15:02 Speaker 4 

Of people you know felt they were in their cars and felt like he was following them. 

00:15:06 Speaker 4 

And you know, so that association with. 

00:15:09 Speaker 4 

Him being near the car, you. 

00:15:10 Speaker 4 

Know there's there are a. 

00:15:12 Speaker 5 

Lot of correlations you could put. 

00:15:13 Speaker 4 

Together they, you know, they might make sense to you and. 

00:15:16 Speaker 4 

They might not. 

00:15:17 Speaker 4 

Well, I'm 49 years old and I know people who will say, Oh my gosh, this is the first time I've had someone close to me pass away. And the first time I was five, she was my Aunt Sissy. It was my dad's. 

00:15:30 Speaker 4 

My dad was the youngest. 

00:15:31 Speaker 4 

And she was the oldest. 

00:15:33 Speaker 4 

And they were really close. 

00:15:34 Speaker 4 

And she she was her really ill. 

00:15:37 Speaker 4 

And I was just really close with her. 

00:15:40 Speaker 4 

She was she was so. 

00:15:41 Speaker 4 

She let me do anything if. 

00:15:43 Speaker 4 

I had pulled the the dog's tail. She would lie. 

00:15:45 Speaker 4 

For me, you know. 

00:15:46 Speaker 4 

And just little things that you remember like that and I. 

00:15:50 Speaker 5 

Remember all and. 

00:15:51 Speaker 4 

She would, you know. 

00:15:52 Speaker 4 

My caregivers had nicknames for me, you know. 

00:15:55 Speaker 4 

And my dad called me pumpkin because he called me pumpkin. 

00:15:58 Speaker 4 

Head because my hair was. 

00:16:00 Speaker 4 

Orange and my mom convinced him. 

00:16:01 Speaker 4 

Can we just call her pumpkin and she always called. 

00:16:04 Speaker 4 

Me, her precious Angel. 

00:16:06 Speaker 4 

I didn't know that she was sick. 

00:16:08 Speaker 4 

You know, they didn't tell me until the very end, and it was just that, you know, I said. 

00:16:12 Speaker 4 

Why can't I? 

00:16:12 Speaker 4 

See Aunt Sissy and it was, you know. 

00:16:14 Speaker 4 

She's really sick. 

00:16:16 Speaker 4 

And I understood what that meant and why I couldn't see her. 

00:16:18 Speaker 4 

But I missed her. 

00:16:19 Speaker 4 

And so during that time. 

00:16:20 Speaker 4 

Period when she was ill, she would tell me. 

00:16:24 Speaker 4 

April, you'll always I'll always. 

00:16:25 Speaker 4 

You know you'll always be my precious Angel. 

00:16:27 Speaker 4 

But when I'm no longer here, I'm going. 

00:16:29 Speaker 4 

I'll be your guardian. 

00:16:30 Speaker 4 

Angel and I, I said. 

00:16:32 Speaker 4 

OK, you know. 

00:16:33 Speaker 4 

And I knew what that was. 

00:16:34 Speaker 4 

My mom played piano in churches, you know, at the church. 

00:16:37 Speaker 4 

So the church is is really ingrained in Appalachian folklore. 

00:16:41 Speaker 4 

And so when she passed away. 

00:16:44 Speaker 4 

My dad was crying that that's the only time I ever saw my dad cry. 

00:16:47 Speaker 4 

And then my mom told me, you know. 

00:16:49 Speaker 4 

Aunt Sissy passed away. 

00:16:50 Speaker 4 

The first thing I. 

00:16:51 Speaker 4 

Said was ohh. 

00:16:52 Speaker 4 

No, she's my favorite one. 

00:16:54 Speaker 4 

But I have a guardian Angel now, you know. 

00:16:57 Speaker 4 

They everybody, everybody started crying. 

00:17:00 Speaker 4 

Because that's obviously we're all sad and in a bad spot. 

00:17:04 Speaker 4 

So you know, and I used to have like. 

00:17:07 Speaker 4 

Experiences after she passed away. 

00:17:10 Speaker 4 

I could smell her smell. 

00:17:11 Speaker 4 

You know, I'm. 

00:17:12 Speaker 4 

I've started kindergarten early. 

00:17:13 Speaker 4 

I may have been in first grade, but I remember feeling like the bottom of my bed, like an indentation. 

00:17:18 Speaker 4 

And then. 

00:17:19 Speaker 4 

Be like a warm spot. 

00:17:21 Speaker 4 

So I always I felt comforted. 

00:17:23 Speaker 4 

As though you. 

00:17:24 Speaker 5 

Know she really is there. 

00:17:25 Speaker 5 

She really. 

00:17:25 Speaker 4 

Is looking out for me and then when? 

00:17:27 Speaker 4 

I was eight. 

00:17:29 Speaker 4 

I was with my dad and we were hanging Christmas cards. 

00:17:32 Speaker 4 

And he had a heart attack and. 

00:17:34 Speaker 4 

Died. That was in 1980. 

00:17:36 Speaker 4 

One so it's been. 

00:17:37 Speaker 4 

Such a long time that I couldn't discuss it. 

00:17:40 Speaker 4 

Without a lot. 

00:17:41 Speaker 4 

Of emotion, you know. 

00:17:42 Speaker 4 

And when he died. 

00:17:43 Speaker 4 

Like when he had that heart. 

00:17:44 Speaker 4 

Attack he. He he when? 

00:17:46 Speaker 4 

He fell into the wall and he he made a hole, a pretty size of the hole. 

00:17:51 Speaker 4 

And now that I can look back on the time I. 

00:17:54 Speaker 4 

Lived in that house. 

00:17:55 Speaker 4 

It was as if that was a. 

00:17:56 Speaker 4 

Portal and you know, I had had imaginary friends that did poltergeist Y stuff and, you know, and I. 

00:18:02 Speaker 4 

Would get in. 

00:18:03 Speaker 4 

Trouble for it? 

00:18:04 Speaker 4 

I I don't. 

00:18:05 Speaker 4 

Even know how to explain the strange things? 

00:18:07 Speaker 4 

That started happening after that happened. 

00:18:10 Speaker 4 

It was, it was stuff. 

00:18:11 Speaker 4 

I had never experienced before and you know, my mom wouldn't believe me sometimes, but the. 

00:18:16 Speaker 4 

All my imaginary friends did it because I was a child. 

00:18:19 Speaker 4 

Now, I mean like a four or five year old now. 

00:18:22 Speaker 4 

We're at the point where I'm I don't want to get in trouble with my mom. 

00:18:26 Speaker 4 

I don't want her to take my bike away. 

00:18:27 Speaker 4 

I'm not lying. 

00:18:28 Speaker 4 

You know, I see these. 

00:18:30 Speaker 4 

These, you know, just for so many random things that would happen if that house we would, there's a stereo one time one of. 

00:18:38 Speaker 4 

Those old console ones. 

00:18:39 Speaker 4 

And my mom, I was asleep. 

00:18:41 Speaker 4 

And, she said, can. 

00:18:42 Speaker 4 

You turn this stereo off because. 

00:18:44 Speaker 4 

Back in the 80s, you know? 

00:18:45 Speaker 4 

You have boot boxes and. 

00:18:47 Speaker 5 

Stuff and parents would know how. 

00:18:48 Speaker 5 

To turn it off. 


What in the world turn it? 

00:18:51 Speaker 4 

Off and she said. 

00:18:52 Speaker 4 

I can't and. 

00:18:54 Speaker 4 

I'm half asleep and then she says April. 

00:18:57 Speaker 4 

I unplugged it and I can't turn it off. 

00:19:00 Speaker 4 

And I walked over and just. 

00:19:01 Speaker 4 

Turned it off. 

00:19:02 Speaker 4 

I have no idea. 

00:19:03 Speaker 4 

How I did that? 

00:19:04 Speaker 4 

I have no idea why that happened. 

00:19:05 Speaker 4 

You know, they're like I haven't even. 

00:19:07 Speaker 4 

I don't think I've ever even really shared that one because. 

00:19:09 Speaker 4 

Like that was kind of normal. 

00:19:11 Speaker 4 

It's sad. 

00:19:12 Speaker 4 

To say so. 

00:19:14 Speaker 5 

Growing up. 

00:19:15 Speaker 4 

Around that and you know, my mom took me to therapy, obviously. 

00:19:19 Speaker 4 

I mean it. 

00:19:19 Speaker 4 

It was in the 80s. 

00:19:21 Speaker 4 

Still after you. 

00:19:21 Speaker 4 

Have something like that happen? 

00:19:23 Speaker 4 

You know, she took me to therapy and everything, and they never discouraged me having the conversations like that, you know, maybe they thought I had an active imagination. 

00:19:31 Speaker 4 

Or it's my way of dealing with people I love passing away, but it it taught me I did. 

00:19:37 Speaker 4 

I don't fear death terribly. 

00:19:40 Speaker 4 

I I certainly enjoy living. 

00:19:42 Speaker 4 

And I want to be. 

00:19:42 Speaker 4 

Here as long as possible. 

00:19:44 Speaker 4 

And just devastated when. 

00:19:45 Speaker 4 

People I love or. 

00:19:47 Speaker 4 

Pets or anyone passes away but. 

00:19:50 Speaker 4 

It it made me see. 

00:19:52 Speaker 4 

The other side A. 

00:19:54 Speaker 4 

Lot more differently than I think. 

00:19:56 Speaker 4 

Kids my age even. 

00:19:57 Speaker 4 

It wasn't like I felt more mature. 

00:20:00 Speaker 4 

It's just that, you know, as I hear older grandparents. 

00:20:03 Speaker 4 

Have passed away, I would think. 

00:20:04 Speaker 4 

Ohh that's going. 

00:20:05 Speaker 4 

To keep happening to you, I'm sorry. 

00:20:08 Speaker 4 

You know, I I. 

00:20:08 Speaker 4 

Just had a different outlook on it. 

00:20:10 Speaker 4 

As well as the paranormal, because it almost seemed normal to me and it was almost comforting. 

00:20:18 Speaker 3 

In a way. 

00:20:19 Speaker 5 

I and I learned very. 

00:20:20 Speaker 4 

Young through my different my grandmother, of course she's and was really into Appalachian folk magic. 

00:20:27 Speaker 4 

She would always tell me. 

00:20:28 Speaker 4 

April, you just you tell them to go away. 

00:20:30 Speaker 4 

You tell them to to leave you alone and go away. 

00:20:34 Speaker 4 

You know, like learning that at a very young age makes you almost function with No Fear regarding it. 

00:20:41 Speaker 4 

So here I am using Ouija boards Willy nilly all the time. 

00:20:47 Speaker 4 

It's just so much stuff like. 

00:20:48 Speaker 4 

That that I didn't. 

00:20:50 Speaker 4 

You know, other people's parents would be. 

00:20:51 Speaker 4 

Like Oh my God. 


I know how. 

00:20:54 Speaker 5 

To read tarot cards too, and you know so. 

00:20:56 Speaker 4 

Then you're like. 

00:20:56 Speaker 4 

Are you a witch? 

00:20:57 Speaker 4 

And I was like I. 

00:20:58 Speaker 5 

Don't really even know what that means. 

00:20:59 Speaker 5 

That's just something I see on. 

00:21:02 Speaker 5 

Wizard of Oz. 

00:21:03 Speaker 4 

Or, you know, back then that really there really. 


Wasn't a lot. 

00:21:07 Speaker 4 

Of witchcraft charms, as that show was trying to think of. 

00:21:11 Speaker 5 

There weren't so. 

00:21:11 Speaker 4 

Many of those things out there for you. 

00:21:14 Speaker 4 

To reference and, I would think no, I'm not. 

00:21:17 Speaker 4 

I'm not a good witch or a. 

00:21:18 Speaker 4 

Bad witch I'm. 

00:21:19 Speaker 4 

Not no, that's. 

00:21:20 Speaker 4 

Not the way you know and also. 

00:21:22 Speaker 5 

I would tell people I'm a kid. 

00:21:23 Speaker 5 

Would you? 

00:21:24 Speaker 5 

Say that to. 

00:21:24 Speaker 4 

Me, but as an adult now I can understand. 

00:21:28 Speaker 4 

You know, I'm asking them, I'll say. 

00:21:30 Speaker 4 

Well, you're Leo too. 

00:21:31 Speaker 4 

You know we're supposed. 

00:21:32 Speaker 4 

To be proud of this. 

00:21:35 Speaker 4 

And I guess it did something like I've just. 

00:21:38 Speaker 4 

Been, I don't know, maybe hanging out. 

00:21:40 Speaker 5 

With hippies or something? 

00:21:41 Speaker 4 

I don't know, you know. 

00:21:42 Speaker 4 

I think a lot of people. 

00:21:44 Speaker 4 

Were kind of taking back on that and. 

00:21:46 Speaker 4 

Of course you. 

00:21:46 Speaker 4 

Know you want to be accepted. 

00:21:48 Speaker 4 

You don't want to say things that freak people out, and so I. 

00:21:50 Speaker 4 

Would learn like you. 

00:21:51 Speaker 5 

Better not say that people really would think. 

00:21:54 Speaker 5 

If you say. 

00:21:55 Speaker 4 

So I I, I have these dreams in the next day that exact same thing happens. 

00:22:00 Speaker 4 

You know, like when you tell people that, you know, they think, Oh well, she's she is a great imagination. 

00:22:05 Speaker 4 

And I would just think, OK. 


But I do I I. 

00:22:10 Speaker 4 

Joy, you know, watching cartoons and all the that fun stuff with my imagination. 

00:22:15 Speaker 4 

But I'm. 

00:22:17 Speaker 4 

Telling you the truth. 

00:22:18 Speaker 4 

I did dream that and how would I know? 

00:22:19 Speaker 4 

I'm not. 

00:22:21 Speaker 4 

And my dad. 

00:22:22 Speaker 5 

He was only. 

00:22:23 Speaker 4 

48 But he had been in. 

00:22:24 Speaker 4 

He was older than my mom. 

00:22:26 Speaker 4 

He had been in Korea, in Vietnam, and he had a lot of. 

00:22:31 Speaker 4 

Health issues and was in a lot of pain. 

00:22:34 Speaker 4 

And you know, he never, ever said anything about. 

00:22:38 Speaker 4 

Ohh I wish. 

00:22:38 Speaker 4 

I wasn't here anymore or anything like that. 

00:22:40 Speaker 4 

But you know, he would say I'm telling you what living every day and all this pain is difficult. 

00:22:46 Speaker 4 

And I kind of correlated that with maybe he has some peace now. 

00:22:49 Speaker 4 

So I never, he never connected with me after like he was gone. 

00:22:54 Speaker 4 

I think when he passed, he immediately moved on all of my other relatives and even friends and people that I've known and loved to have passed since then. 

00:23:03 Speaker 4 

I'll get a sign. 

00:23:04 Speaker 4 

I'll have a dream. 

00:23:05 Speaker 4 

Something will happen. 

00:23:07 Speaker 4 

But not with him. 

00:23:07 Speaker 4 

I've had one. 

00:23:09 Speaker 4 

Occasion and that was the one that I really was like, that's. 

00:23:13 Speaker 4 

What I'm going to share with. 

00:23:14 Speaker 4 

Them because I have so many stories. 

00:23:17 Speaker 4 

But there's only one time that I can recall him connecting with me, and at the time. 

00:23:24 Speaker 4 

And this was. 

00:23:25 Speaker 4 

Probably around 2005 and 2010, me and my husband, we lived in the house and this part of town and in that part of town. 

00:23:35 Speaker 4 

That has this area of. 

00:23:36 Speaker 4 

Town that it used to be. 

00:23:37 Speaker 4 

The main part of the city and now it's the older portion of the city. 

00:23:44 Speaker 4 

And it has a lot of it's it's named after the Native Americans who live there. 

00:23:49 Speaker 4 

There's a lot of Native American culture that's still there, a lot of different areas that are undisturbed. 

00:23:57 Speaker 4 

And so it has a really different energy. 

00:23:59 Speaker 4 

Plus, the house that I lived in was built. 

00:24:01 Speaker 4 

In 1929 and. 

00:24:04 Speaker 4 

Had been in a flood in 1937 and it it. 

00:24:07 Speaker 4 

Was I mean? 

00:24:09 Speaker 4 

It you could. 

00:24:10 Speaker 4 

Tell where the water line had made it up. 

00:24:12 Speaker 4 

To almost the second floor. 

00:24:14 Speaker 4 

That house just had so just such an odd. 

00:24:17 Speaker 4 

Vibe to it. 

00:24:19 Speaker 4 

On this particular circumstance, this particular night, my husband works in a hospital. 

00:24:24 Speaker 4 

He doesn't usually work the overnight shift. 

00:24:25 Speaker 4 

11 to 7 shift but. 

00:24:26 Speaker 4 

He did. 

00:24:27 Speaker 4 

That night, I would kind of stay up. 

00:24:29 Speaker 4 

As little you know, as late as I could and then go to bed because, you know, I wasn't asleep in the line or whatever. 

00:24:36 Speaker 4 

And that night I had done laundry. 

00:24:39 Speaker 4 

And I had the house was. 

00:24:41 Speaker 5 

Old and had that floor furnace, those floor furnaces with. 

00:24:44 Speaker 4 

The grate in it. 

00:24:45 Speaker 4 

And I would always hang my clothes above. 

00:24:47 Speaker 4 

It it, and this is in the winter with. 

00:24:49 Speaker 4 

The heat being on because. 

00:24:51 Speaker 4 

And I'd watch it to make sure it's. 

00:24:53 Speaker 4 

Not a hazard or anything and. 

00:24:55 Speaker 4 

I you know, we just let it dry that. 

00:24:57 Speaker 4 

Way because a. 

00:24:59 Speaker 4 

It was easier that way so. 

00:25:01 Speaker 4 

This particular night I had done the laundry and hung up clothes there and I would always. 

00:25:06 Speaker 4 

Make sure to. 

00:25:07 Speaker 4 

Take them down. 

00:25:08 Speaker 4 

Before I went to bed. 

00:25:09 Speaker 4 

So I fell asleep on. 

00:25:09 Speaker 4 

The couch. 

00:25:10 Speaker 4 

You know, I woke up and I went over. 

00:25:12 Speaker 4 

And I'm half. 

00:25:13 Speaker 4 

Asleep. So I grabbed. 

00:25:15 Speaker 4 

All the clothes and just laid them on the dryer and the kitchen or what have you and went on up to bed. 

00:25:21 Speaker 4 

You know when you're. 

00:25:22 Speaker 4 

Falling asleep. 

00:25:23 Speaker 4 

You're in that kind of in between. 

00:25:24 Speaker 4 

Where some people get sleep promises, I think maybe. 

00:25:27 Speaker 4 

You're in that stage and. 

00:25:29 Speaker 4 

You know you're you're. 

00:25:30 Speaker 4 

Kind of awake. 

00:25:31 Speaker 4 

But you're not quite sure you're really, but you're trying. 

00:25:34 Speaker 4 

Also, you're trying. 

00:25:34 Speaker 4 

To get to sleep. 

00:25:36 Speaker 4 

You know, I've never. 

00:25:37 Speaker 4 

I've never. 

00:25:37 Speaker 4 

Heard voices or heard anything like? 

00:25:40 Speaker 4 

That I'll just put that out there, but. 

00:25:43 Speaker 4 

I've heard I heard. 

00:25:44 Speaker 4 

A voice. 

00:25:45 Speaker 4 

And it wasn't like. 

00:25:47 Speaker 4 

It was in my head and I'm dreaming. 

00:25:49 Speaker 4 

It was as though someone. 

00:25:50 Speaker 4 

Was talking to me like right there next to me, just said. 

00:25:53 Speaker 4 

April get up. 

00:25:55 Speaker 5 

I I remember thinking. 

00:25:57 Speaker 4 

I don't know, and I do talk. 

00:25:59 Speaker 4 

In my sleep with me and said it out loud. 

00:26:02 Speaker 4 

I said I'm almost asleep. 

00:26:04 Speaker 4 

Just kind of. 

00:26:05 Speaker 4 

Yeah, I. 

00:26:05 Speaker 4 

Wasn't even really paying attention. 

00:26:07 Speaker 4 

And then I. 

00:26:09 Speaker 4 

You need to get up. 


I kept thinking. 


What? Who's talking to? 

00:26:15 Speaker 4 

Me and but I'm not still not oriented enough to put two and two together and think of open your eyes as somebody in your house and then. 

00:26:25 Speaker 4 

I felt something moved my right shoulder and sit me up in bed, and then I heard my I hadn't heard. 

00:26:34 Speaker 4 

My dad's. 

00:26:34 Speaker 4 

Voice in probably at least 30 some years at that point. 

00:26:38 Speaker 4 

My heart. 

00:26:39 Speaker 4 

April, get up now. 

00:26:41 Speaker 4 

And as soon as I set up I. 

00:26:42 Speaker 4 

Smelled something burning? 

00:26:44 Speaker 4 

And then I I snapped out of it. 

00:26:46 Speaker 4 

And just so I went down the stairs. 

00:26:48 Speaker 4 

And I started. 

00:26:49 Speaker 4 

Coughing because it was smoke. 

00:26:51 Speaker 4 

I had a pink tank top. 

00:26:53 Speaker 4 

That I it was made out of, like chiffon. 

00:26:57 Speaker 4 

I don't know. 

00:26:58 Speaker 4 

Something that. 

00:26:58 Speaker 4 

Dried really quickly. 

00:27:00 Speaker 4 

And I missed it. 

00:27:02 Speaker 4 

And when I went over to the grate from the floor furnace, which was right under the bed where I was sleep. 

00:27:09 Speaker 4 

I looked and the only thing I saw was just the little hook end of a green coat hanger that had been on and I looked and down in the furnace there was there were there was green melted plastic on the grate and there was melted plastic plastic on the the furnace. 

00:27:29 Speaker 4 

And I had to sit for. 

00:27:30 Speaker 4 

A second and I. 

00:27:31 Speaker 4 

Called my husband at like 3 something. 

00:27:33 Speaker 4 

In the morning and told him what happened and he alright, we'll check it. 

00:27:37 Speaker 4 

Out, but I I can't explain. 

00:27:38 Speaker 4 

In that. 

00:27:39 Speaker 4 

I can't. 

00:27:40 Speaker 4 

I don't know how to. 

00:27:41 Speaker 4 

Explain that. 

00:27:41 Speaker 4 

I mean, I had. 

00:27:43 Speaker 4 

That house I had. 

00:27:44 Speaker 4 

As many crazy experiences in as the Miller Drive. 

00:27:47 Speaker 4 

House the one that my dad died in. 

00:27:49 Speaker 4 

And I think. 

00:27:50 Speaker 4 

Maybe the water from the flood. 

00:27:52 Speaker 4 

I know that there's a lot of energy carried in water. 

00:27:55 Speaker 4 

I think perhaps that may have had something to do with it as well. 

00:27:59 Speaker 4 

This is 2007, my mom. 

00:28:01 Speaker 4 

I had gotten surgery. 

00:28:03 Speaker 4 

She stayed with me at my house, you know, therapy and rehab and everything. 

00:28:07 Speaker 4 

And you know, I'd help her out because she had to have her knee removed and she had all kinds. 

00:28:13 Speaker 4 

Of problems and we. 

00:28:14 Speaker 4 

We didn't know it was wrong with. 

00:28:15 Speaker 4 

Her. She ended up we. 

00:28:16 Speaker 5 

Found out later. 

00:28:17 Speaker 4 

She had and she passed in 2009. 

00:28:21 Speaker 5 

During the point. 

00:28:22 Speaker 4 

When my mom had just moved out, I had I I mean, I'm a sociologist that I sat down and was her social worker, and I called and I calendar replaced to live. 

00:28:31 Speaker 4 

She had money. 

00:28:32 Speaker 4 

Say hey, hey, hey, girl, help. 

00:28:33 Speaker 4 

Me out, I said. 

00:28:35 Speaker 4 

And we'd always had trouble. 

00:28:37 Speaker 4 

You know, but it was just that we bickered and stuff. 

00:28:40 Speaker 4 

It was, you know, I loved her. 

00:28:42 Speaker 4 

She loved me. 

00:28:42 Speaker 4 

And she was so grateful that I I. 

00:28:44 Speaker 4 

Got her a handicap? 

00:28:46 Speaker 4 

Apartment and a really a nice apartment and you know she loved. 

00:28:49 Speaker 4 

Her grandkids and loved it. 

00:28:51 Speaker 4 

She loves kids, loves kids, so she was right between the swimming pool and the playground and she would give him like. 

00:28:58 Speaker 4 

The frozen popsicles, the ones that come in the knitted bag, you know she would just have. 

00:29:04 Speaker 4 

Those coming out of her ears? 

00:29:06 Speaker 4 

The kids would stop by and knock on her sliding glass. 

00:29:08 Speaker 4 

Door and say. 

00:29:10 Speaker 4 

Can I have one of? 

00:29:10 Speaker 4 

My mom's handies popsicles. 

00:29:12 Speaker 5 

Can I have one for my sister? 

00:29:13 Speaker 5 

And I she would just be. 

00:29:15 Speaker 5 

Like yes, give him all. 

00:29:16 Speaker 4 

Of them anyway. 

00:29:18 Speaker 4 

So she's happily getting along at her apartment, and she was in a wheelchair, living independently. 

00:29:25 Speaker 4 

And I went to sleep that night and I had a dream. 

00:29:30 Speaker 4 

And this dream is like no other dream. 

00:29:33 Speaker 4 

And I always have, like. 

00:29:34 Speaker 4 

I would call them pretty. 

00:29:36 Speaker 4 

I dreamed she would be in the. 

00:29:37 Speaker 4 

Hospital she was. 

00:29:39 Speaker 4 

We'd have to go to the hospital with. 

00:29:40 Speaker 4 

Her a lot. 

00:29:41 Speaker 4 

And by the end of her life, I would end up taking her to her, her treatments and picking her up. 

00:29:47 Speaker 4 

And it just got to be where I was used to being at a hospital or someone getting a hold of me and saying, hey, your mom's in the hospital. 

00:29:55 Speaker 4 

But it's not gonna. 

00:29:56 Speaker 4 

They're gonna let her out this afternoon. 

00:29:57 Speaker 4 

They just had to do tests. 

00:29:59 Speaker 4 

And after overnight, she had really good insurance from my dad passing away. 

00:30:04 Speaker 4 

And so they we always could afford that. 

00:30:06 Speaker 4 

So that was we were very lucky in that way. 

00:30:09 Speaker 4 

But I dreamed that I went to the home. 

00:30:13 Speaker 4 

Hospital and I went to the room that she had been in and she wasn't there, so I went to the nurses station and said, hey. 

00:30:22 Speaker 3 

You know you. 

00:30:25 Speaker 4 

Have you moved my mom? 

00:30:26 Speaker 4 

It was so it was. 

00:30:27 Speaker 4 

Just so routine at that. 

00:30:28 Speaker 4 

Point, they told me. Yeah. 

00:30:30 Speaker 4 

She's down at the end of. 

00:30:31 Speaker 4 

This hall here and it. 

00:30:32 Speaker 4 

Was the whole way I didn't recognize and. 

00:30:34 Speaker 4 

The hospitals, one that I've been in my entire life. 

00:30:38 Speaker 4 

I remember thinking. 

00:30:39 Speaker 4 

I I don't know. 

00:30:40 Speaker 4 

I don't know where this. 

00:30:41 Speaker 4 

Is heading. I'm. 

00:30:41 Speaker 4 

Going to stop here, so I stopped it. 

00:30:43 Speaker 4 

Room and there was just someone cleaning it. 

00:30:45 Speaker 4 

Up thought to myself. 

00:30:47 Speaker 4 

I went down another hallway and I was lost. 

00:30:50 Speaker 4 

I thought, OK, I'm just. 

00:30:51 Speaker 4 

Going back to the nursing station, so I turned. 

00:30:53 Speaker 4 

Around and then all of a. 

00:30:54 Speaker 4 

Sudden it's completely dark, just black all around me and I'm standing outside of my grandmother's. 

00:31:01 Speaker 4 

House, which is like. 

00:31:03 Speaker 4 

Probably 20 miles away. 

00:31:04 Speaker 4 

From there, but my grandma passed in 2001 and I'm standing there and I'm. I'm looking around in the house right now, still has a tree had fallen on it. 

00:31:16 Speaker 4 

You know it's in disarray and. 

00:31:17 Speaker 4 

It's so sad all of a sudden, you. 

00:31:20 Speaker 4 

Know I didn't see her body. 

00:31:22 Speaker 4 

And you know. 

00:31:22 Speaker 4 

You always had. 

00:31:23 Speaker 4 

People talk about the. 

00:31:24 Speaker 4 

White light. 

00:31:25 Speaker 4 

But I saw her face. 

00:31:27 Speaker 4 

And it was it was. 

00:31:28 Speaker 4 

Like she looked like an Angel, but she had white hair and. 

00:31:33 Speaker 5 

She looked like herself, but there was light. 

00:31:36 Speaker 4 

It was literally like someone had cut a hole through the darkness. And here's my grandmother's face. I can see her almost like she's on the other side of it. I did feel like there was. 

00:31:45 Speaker 4 

Carrier because I got so excited and I remember having all those, I guess, endorphins of just joy. 

00:31:52 Speaker 4 

And I said grandma. 

00:31:54 Speaker 4 

Oh my God. 

00:31:55 Speaker 4 

I'm so glad that you're here. 

00:31:57 Speaker 4 

I miss you so much. 

00:31:58 Speaker 4 

And like I wanted to hug her. 

00:32:00 Speaker 4 

And you know, she she was like, I love you so much. 

00:32:03 Speaker 4 

I want you to know. 

00:32:03 Speaker 4 

I'm always here for you. 

00:32:05 Speaker 4 

Need to talk to you, April and she. 

00:32:07 Speaker 4 

Said that to me all the time and. 

00:32:09 Speaker 4 

And if I. 

00:32:09 Speaker 4 

Heard that? 

00:32:10 Speaker 4 

I knew. 

00:32:11 Speaker 4 

Oh, something serious is happening. 

00:32:13 Speaker 4 

So I said what I said. 

00:32:14 Speaker 4 

What grandma and she said. 

00:32:17 Speaker 4 

I'm so sorry. 

00:32:18 Speaker 4 

I'm so sorry that you've had to go through the loss that you had to go through with your dad because my grandma and Grandpa helped raise me in place with my. 

00:32:27 Speaker 4 

Dad after he passed. 

00:32:28 Speaker 4 

And I'm so sorry that happened at such a young age. 

00:32:31 Speaker 4 

And that you're so young. 

00:32:33 Speaker 4 

And I know you don't know how young you still are. 

00:32:37 Speaker 4 

I don't want you. 

00:32:38 Speaker 4 

To not be ready for this because I know you can handle it, but your mom's going to have to come with me soon. And that's there's nothing we can do about it. And I. 

00:32:48 Speaker 4 

Said no, grandma, no. 

00:32:51 Speaker 4 

And she said, I remember, she said I remember how hard it was because just to interject whenever my they took my dad to the hospital. 

00:32:59 Speaker 4 

And then, of course, they worked. 

00:33:00 Speaker 4 

On him for a while. 

00:33:01 Speaker 4 

But whenever they called back to the. 

00:33:03 Speaker 4 

House, where I was, it was my grandmother and I. 

00:33:06 Speaker 4 

Answered the phone. 

00:33:07 Speaker 4 

And she said, Angel, your dad's gone. 

00:33:09 Speaker 4 

And I said, grandma, I know. 

00:33:11 Speaker 4 

So she, you know, we had that connection, knew that that was me. 

00:33:15 Speaker 4 

And she said, you know, I know what you went through. 

00:33:18 Speaker 4 

And I know you. 

00:33:19 Speaker 4 

You knew. 

00:33:21 Speaker 4 

And I want you to know now and not because I'm trying to put you through, you know, I don't want you to go through this, but you don't understand how much you're gonna. 

00:33:29 Speaker 4 

Have to go through. 

00:33:31 Speaker 4 

And you're gonna have to take care of all this. 

00:33:33 Speaker 4 

And she was referencing her house and her land. 

00:33:36 Speaker 4 

I didn't understand that. 

00:33:38 Speaker 4 

And I started crying. 

00:33:40 Speaker 4 

And I said no, but I want to go with you. 

00:33:42 Speaker 4 

I just want to go with you right now for a little bit. 

00:33:45 Speaker 4 

Can I just stay here with you just like you would any? 

00:33:49 Speaker 4 

Love the one that you miss and. 

00:33:51 Speaker 4 

When people say if you. 

00:33:53 Speaker 4 

See your loved one in a dream and they tell you they come with them. 

00:33:56 Speaker 4 

It's not them. 

00:33:57 Speaker 4 

I believe that because she was emphatic, she said no. 

00:34:00 Speaker 4 

No, no, you're not coming with me now. 

00:34:03 Speaker 4 

I'm sorry. 

00:34:05 Speaker 4 

And you can't come. 

00:34:06 Speaker 4 

With her either. 

00:34:07 Speaker 4 

It's it, but I'm. 

00:34:08 Speaker 4 

I'm sorry you have to. 

00:34:10 Speaker 4 

You're gonna have to take care of this and. 

00:34:13 Speaker 5 

She would always say, well, be a good girl. 

00:34:15 Speaker 4 

All the time. And she passed when I was 27 and. 


I would go to. 

00:34:19 Speaker 4 

Woodstock 94. 

00:34:21 Speaker 5 

She was like, well, be a good girl, that's. 

00:34:22 Speaker 4 

All I can say. 

00:34:23 Speaker 4 

You know. 

00:34:23 Speaker 4 

And move on and that's what she said she was like. 

00:34:26 Speaker 4 

I love you. 

00:34:27 Speaker 4 

I'm here for you. 

00:34:28 Speaker 4 

I'm always going to be. 

00:34:29 Speaker 4 

Here and just. 

00:34:30 Speaker 4 

Be a good girl then it was black. 

00:34:32 Speaker 4 

And then I woke up and I woke up crying hysterically and my husband was like, what is wrong? 

00:34:38 Speaker 4 

And I said my mom died. 

00:34:41 Speaker 4 

My mom died. 

00:34:43 Speaker 4 

And it was, I mean and I stood. 

00:34:44 Speaker 4 

I mean, I couldn't breathe. 

00:34:46 Speaker 4 

Sobbing. I was like. 

00:34:47 Speaker 4 

She's my mom's gone and he knows that I have those dreams. 

00:34:51 Speaker 4 

And he said, OK, we'll, we'll. 

00:34:53 Speaker 5 

Call her. Call your brother. 

00:34:55 Speaker 4 

And I said, OK, what time is it? 

00:34:57 Speaker 4 

He was like it's 6. 

00:34:59 Speaker 4 

40 in the morning and I then I thought. 

00:35:02 Speaker 4 

I looked at my phone. 

00:35:03 Speaker 4 

And but OK, no one's contacted me. I don't wanna wake her up. I knew that she. 

00:35:10 Speaker 4 

You know she. 

00:35:10 Speaker 4 

Took pain medication and sometimes would stay up late. 

00:35:14 Speaker 4 

And you know, if she's just getting rest, I. 

00:35:16 Speaker 4 

Was thinking OK? 

00:35:17 Speaker 4 

I don't wanna. 

00:35:18 Speaker 4 

I don't wanna wake her up. 

00:35:19 Speaker 4 

You know I OK. 

00:35:21 Speaker 4 

OK, you know, like I it took me. 

00:35:23 Speaker 5 

A while to Orient. 

00:35:24 Speaker 4 

Myself in this. 

00:35:25 Speaker 4 

World and to convince myself that my. 

00:35:27 Speaker 4 

Mother had not already passed. 

00:35:31 Speaker 4 

I did. I calmed down. OK, now Fast forward to May of 2009, my mom had to. 

00:35:40 Speaker 4 

She has leukemia. 

00:35:42 Speaker 4 

She's not, you know. 

00:35:43 Speaker 4 

She's and she's taking treatment. 

00:35:44 Speaker 4 

But I had taken her to a. 

00:35:46 Speaker 4 

Doctor's appointment and the doctor said. 

00:35:50 Speaker 5 

If you start getting a red. 

00:35:51 Speaker 4 

Line in your arm. 

00:35:52 Speaker 4 

Go to the hospital immediately. 

00:35:53 Speaker 4 

We don't want any. 

00:35:54 Speaker 4 

Blood clots happening and again, you know that sounds. 

00:35:57 Speaker 4 

Really serious and it is, but we. 

00:35:58 Speaker 4 

Were used to those kind of things. 

00:36:00 Speaker 4 

And so I was at. 

00:36:01 Speaker 4 

Her house and I said. 

00:36:03 Speaker 4 

Mom, your arms looking red. 

00:36:04 Speaker 4 

I don't see any. 

00:36:06 Speaker 4 

Of the signs, she said. 

00:36:07 Speaker 4 

I know I'm. 

00:36:07 Speaker 4 

Going to go. 

00:36:08 Speaker 4 

To the hospital, she said. 

00:36:09 Speaker 4 

I'm going to call. 


I'm gonna you. 

00:36:11 Speaker 4 

Know go tomorrow and I said OK. 

00:36:14 Speaker 4 

And of course, she said. 

00:36:15 Speaker 4 

Or in the night. 

00:36:15 Speaker 4 

I mean, I'm. 

00:36:16 Speaker 4 

I'm watching it. 

00:36:17 Speaker 4 

And so she she made it the night everything was. 

00:36:20 Speaker 4 

Fine, but she did. 

00:36:21 Speaker 4 

Go to the hospital the next day and she. 


Went to that. 

00:36:23 Speaker 4 

Same hospital that she. 

00:36:25 Speaker 4 

Always went to. 

00:36:26 Speaker 4 

And I went there. They. 

00:36:28 Speaker 4 

She said, well, well, they're going to have to send. 

00:36:29 Speaker 4 

Me to Columbus, which is the next. 

00:36:32 Speaker 4 

You know where we are. 

00:36:33 Speaker 4 

Where we live, that's the next big like facility. 

00:36:37 Speaker 4 

If you need like advanced and she it. 

00:36:39 Speaker 4 

Was cancer at that point? 

00:36:41 Speaker 4 

It's the James cancer. 

00:36:42 Speaker 4 

Center at the thing at the OHSU campus this. 

00:36:46 Speaker 4 

And they're really great. 

00:36:48 Speaker 4 

At what they do and so. 

00:36:49 Speaker 4 

They had referred her there. 

00:36:51 Speaker 4 

And I said, well, they're gonna cause sometimes. 

00:36:53 Speaker 4 

They would fly her and I didn't know that she was in that bad condition. 

00:36:57 Speaker 4 

But she was like, no, I'm stable. 

00:36:59 Speaker 4 

I can drive. 

00:37:00 Speaker 4 

You know they're going to take. 

00:37:01 Speaker 4 

Me and I said OK. 

00:37:02 Speaker 4 

And she said, well, why don't you and your, you know, why don't you? 

00:37:06 Speaker 4 

And hey, won't your husband, why don't you guys come up and that, you know, she basically gave me some money and said it was our anniversary. 

00:37:14 Speaker 4 

My my husband's anniversary, she said. Why don't you guys come up, get a hotel room, have a nice dinner? 

00:37:19 Speaker 4 

You know then then. 

00:37:19 Speaker 4 

You come and see me. 

00:37:21 Speaker 4 

What have you? 

00:37:21 Speaker 4 

And I said. 

00:37:21 Speaker 4 

OK, that sounds like a. 

00:37:22 Speaker 4 

Good idea because we kind. 

00:37:23 Speaker 4 

Of had been. 

00:37:24 Speaker 4 

Planning before we left and went up there. 

00:37:27 Speaker 4 

We were at the House and I was thinking, should we leave tonight and go and spend the night or should? 

00:37:31 Speaker 4 

We just wait and do a check. 

00:37:32 Speaker 4 

In tomorrow we were trying. 

00:37:33 Speaker 4 

To decide well, the. 

00:37:35 Speaker 4 

Phone rang and it was the hospital and they said. 

00:37:39 Speaker 5 

Essentially, your mother, we had to do a procedure. 

00:37:41 Speaker 4 

On her, she's still in recovery, but we need. 

00:37:44 Speaker 4 

To do another. 

00:37:44 Speaker 4 

Surgery, because things have kind of taken a turn and. 

00:37:48 Speaker 4 

We need to get your authorization. 

00:37:50 Speaker 4 

You know I said yes, obviously because. 

00:37:53 Speaker 4 

It needed to be done. 

00:37:54 Speaker 4 

It still may be panic and so. 

00:37:56 Speaker 4 

I was like. 

00:37:57 Speaker 4 

Well, we're leaving now and we're going to drive straight up, you know, we'll be this was in the daytime. 

00:38:02 Speaker 4 

I'm sorry if I've gotten my. 

00:38:03 Speaker 4 

Times and shoes but this. 

00:38:04 Speaker 4 

Was in the next morning when we had planned on leaving. 

00:38:07 Speaker 4 

So we we went ahead and like, got it, threw everything together and left at like noon instead of leaving. 

00:38:12 Speaker 4 

In the evening. 

00:38:13 Speaker 4 

We get to the campus. 

00:38:15 Speaker 4 

The the hospital. 

00:38:16 Speaker 4 

And I went to the I've been. 

00:38:18 Speaker 4 

There before and I went to. 

00:38:19 Speaker 4 

The hospital, the. 

00:38:20 Speaker 4 

Portion of the hospital because it's huge. 

00:38:23 Speaker 4 

That she's always been in. 

00:38:26 Speaker 4 

And I walked to the to the oncology portion and went to the desk and said, you know, hey, my name is April. 

00:38:34 Speaker 4 

Edwards and this is my. 

00:38:35 Speaker 4 

Mom, could you tell? 

00:38:37 Speaker 4 

What room? 

00:38:37 Speaker 4 

She's in and they said. 

00:38:39 Speaker 4 

They, they said, well, she was over. 

00:38:41 Speaker 4 

Here, but they've moved. 

00:38:42 Speaker 4 

Her and I said OK, I said that she and they said. 

00:38:44 Speaker 4 

They she's. 

00:38:45 Speaker 4 

She's down this. 

00:38:46 Speaker 4 

Hall, you know, and turned right. 

00:38:49 Speaker 5 

And I went down that hallway and I started having that feeling. 

00:38:52 Speaker 4 

Like I was in that. 

00:38:53 Speaker 4 

Thing and I turned right and it was. 

00:38:57 Speaker 4 

There wasn't anything there. 

00:38:58 Speaker 4 

It was just like it was like a. 

00:39:00 Speaker 4 

Linen closet or something? 

00:39:02 Speaker 4 

And I kind of panicked. 

00:39:04 Speaker 4 

I mean, I got a sinking feeling in my stomach and I said, Kim, I can't find my mom. 

00:39:10 Speaker 4 

That's my husband. 

00:39:10 Speaker 4 

And he said she's OK, we're on the. 

00:39:13 Speaker 4 

Wrong side of the hospital. 

00:39:14 Speaker 4 

She said if. 

00:39:14 Speaker 4 

She's not here. 

00:39:15 Speaker 4 

We'll have to. 

00:39:16 Speaker 4 

Go back out and walk to. 

00:39:17 Speaker 4 

The other main entrance and I said, but I can't find her. 

00:39:20 Speaker 4 

I don't know where she is and he was like. 

00:39:23 Speaker 4 

Well, you'll be, you know, he was thinking, I'm panicked. 

00:39:25 Speaker 4 

And you'll be fine. 

00:39:27 Speaker 4 

So I finally get over to the other. 

00:39:30 Speaker 4 

I found the right area and apparently this team of doctors had been waiting to talk to me. 

00:39:36 Speaker 4 

And they took me aside into the little room that you never want to have to go in. 

00:39:41 Speaker 4 

And they said, you know, we realized she has leukemia. 

00:39:44 Speaker 4 

And unfortunately, you know, she is now in her bone marrow. 

00:39:49 Speaker 4 

And it's just aggressively moved to the point where we, you know, we might have to start looking at amputations and that's not how you you deal with it, that's not a sustainable way of dealing with it, I immediately said. 

00:40:05 Speaker 4 

My mom's a DNR and they said well, she is on support right now, I said. And she can't. 

00:40:11 Speaker 4 

Breathe by herself. 

00:40:13 Speaker 4 

And they said no and. 

00:40:14 Speaker 4 

I said OK, you can't we can't do that. 

00:40:16 Speaker 4 

We can't keep her like that. 

00:40:17 Speaker 4 

She has. 

00:40:18 Speaker 4 

She begged me her entire. 

00:40:20 Speaker 4 

Life and he. 

00:40:20 Speaker 4 

Especially after she got sick, did not do that and they were like, that's absolutely your decision. 

00:40:27 Speaker 4 

You it. 

00:40:28 Speaker 4 

It's completely up to you. 

00:40:29 Speaker 4 

This is a difficult. 

00:40:30 Speaker 4 

Decision we understand if you need. 

00:40:32 Speaker 4 

Time and I said no. 

00:40:33 Speaker 4 

No, she's been waiting. 

00:40:35 Speaker 5 

For me to get here. 

00:40:36 Speaker 4 

And you know, I said, I know that they knew what I meant. 

00:40:39 Speaker 4 

I said no, she's. 

00:40:40 Speaker 4 

Not she's not gonna go. 

00:40:43 Speaker 4 

I said she's this isn't. 

00:40:44 Speaker 4 

What she wants. 

00:40:46 Speaker 4 

And then they said. 

00:40:48 Speaker 5 

I remember my brother was there and me and my brother. 

00:40:53 Speaker 4 

We were not getting. 

00:40:53 Speaker 4 

Along at all and. 

00:40:55 Speaker 4 

Didn't for five years after I had to contest. 

00:40:58 Speaker 4 

Her will but. 

00:40:58 Speaker 1 

That's all other thing. 

00:40:59 Speaker 4 

And he was. 

00:41:00 Speaker 4 

There and he he was crying. 

00:41:03 Speaker 4 

And they said, you know, we have to have the. 

00:41:05 Speaker 4 

Consent of both. 

00:41:06 Speaker 4 

The her next to Ken and I said. 

00:41:09 Speaker 4 

Look at me. 

00:41:10 Speaker 4 

How many times has she said to you I will haunt you if you let me lay around on a ventilator? 

00:41:15 Speaker 4 

If it's my time to go, let. 

00:41:16 Speaker 4 

Me go. 

00:41:17 Speaker 5 

And he was like. 

00:41:18 Speaker 4 

Yeah and everything. 

00:41:19 Speaker 4 

And finally they said, OK, you. 

00:41:21 Speaker 4 

Know that it's a. 

00:41:23 Speaker 4 

You've made a difficult decision. 

00:41:25 Speaker 4 

It's a very kind decision, you. 

00:41:26 Speaker 4 

Know this is. 

00:41:27 Speaker 4 

Hard for you? 

00:41:28 Speaker 4 

Would you like to be with her? 

00:41:29 Speaker 4 

Would you like to go sit? 

00:41:30 Speaker 4 

With her and I said I got to be with my dad. 

00:41:35 Speaker 4 

I'll definitely stay with them. 

00:41:37 Speaker 4 

And my brother, my brother was there. 

00:41:40 Speaker 4 

When my dad passed. 

00:41:41 Speaker 4 

It he was only three and he doesn't remember it. 

00:41:45 Speaker 4 

And my brother said no, no, I'm not going. 

00:41:49 Speaker 4 

And my mom and my brother were. 

00:41:51 Speaker 4 

They had been having a. 

00:41:52 Speaker 4 

Lot of arguments and disagreements for about a year. 


At this point. 

00:41:57 Speaker 4 

And she was angry with him the last. 

00:42:00 Speaker 4 

Time I talked to her, she was. 

00:42:01 Speaker 4 

Really angry with. 

00:42:02 Speaker 4 

Him so he said. 

00:42:04 Speaker 4 

I'm not I. 

00:42:04 Speaker 4 

Don't want to go. 

00:42:05 Speaker 4 

While she was in the ICU. 

00:42:06 Speaker 4 

Portion and they had moved her to like a private area where so we could go in and sit with her and he wouldn't come in. 

00:42:13 Speaker 4 

He would come. 

00:42:14 Speaker 4 

But then he would go. 

00:42:15 Speaker 4 

Back out and walk. 

00:42:16 Speaker 4 

In the hallway. I. 

00:42:17 Speaker 4 

Mean I just sit there and held. 

00:42:18 Speaker 4 

Her hand and. 

00:42:19 Speaker 4 

Talked to her. 

00:42:19 Speaker 4 

She was deaf in one ear. 

00:42:21 Speaker 4 

And I could never remember which one. 

00:42:23 Speaker 4 

And she always told me I'm not gonna tell you so that I. 

00:42:26 Speaker 4 

Can put my phone. 

00:42:27 Speaker 4 

Up to my ear. 

00:42:27 Speaker 4 

And not hear you guys. 


You know, kid. 

00:42:29 Speaker 4 

With me and I thought to myself. 

00:42:33 Speaker 5 

It doesn't matter because she could. 

00:42:34 Speaker 4 

Always hear if she got up close. 

00:42:36 Speaker 4 

So you know, I would talk to her and stuff. 

00:42:38 Speaker 4 

And there was this wonderful nurse. 

00:42:40 Speaker 5 

That sit there. 

00:42:40 Speaker 4 

With me? Who? 

00:42:42 Speaker 4 

Started working in nursing the year I was born and had a daughter my age. 

00:42:46 Speaker 4 

And so we we you know. 

00:42:48 Speaker 4 

Had a good rapport and she. 

00:42:50 Speaker 4 

Had you know she was? 

00:42:51 Speaker 4 

Great bedside manner. 

00:42:52 Speaker 4 

Hit me. 

00:42:54 Speaker 4 

I turned the monitor away every time my brother would come in. 

00:42:58 Speaker 4 

It would spike and I could see that I could see it flash, but I couldn't see the other side, and I finally said get the hell out of here. 

00:43:08 Speaker 4 

Nobody wants you here. 

00:43:09 Speaker 4 

You don't want to be here. 

00:43:09 Speaker 4 

No one wants you here. 

00:43:11 Speaker 4 

And he looked like he was about to cry, and my husband was like, come on. 

00:43:15 Speaker 4 

We'll go do something else. 

00:43:17 Speaker 4 

And about 5 minutes after he left, she passed. 

00:43:21 Speaker 4 

But she did. 

00:43:22 Speaker 4 

It was as if she did not. 

00:43:23 Speaker 4 

Want him there? 

00:43:24 Speaker 4 

And the crooks do. 

00:43:27 Speaker 4 

It all that I didn't know was my phone had been in and out of service and I get to my phone. 

00:43:32 Speaker 4 

And and she had left me a voicemail and all it said was call me back. 

00:43:38 Speaker 4 

Please, please call me back. 

00:43:41 Speaker 4 

You know, I think that that going and sitting with her while she passed, you know, I didn't. 

00:43:47 Speaker 4 

Get to call her. 

00:43:48 Speaker 4 

Back because that was. 

00:43:49 Speaker 4 

Before her surgery that she didn't wake up from. 

00:43:52 Speaker 4 

And I had to authorize to go ahead and continue. 

00:43:55 Speaker 4 

She had called me. 

00:43:57 Speaker 4 

So you know when she was lucid and awake when she was, you know, knew what was going on. 


She tried to. 

00:44:04 Speaker 4 

Get a hold of me to tell me. 

00:44:05 Speaker 4 

Something and I. 

00:44:06 Speaker 4 

I figured out what it was I had. 

00:44:08 Speaker 4 

To do with her will and everything but. 

00:44:10 Speaker 4 

It still for me. 

00:44:12 Speaker 4 

It was like I know you'll stay with me. 

00:44:16 Speaker 4 

I know you'll be here when you get here. 

00:44:19 Speaker 4 

It'll be OK and I won't. 

00:44:20 Speaker 4 

Have to do. 

00:44:21 Speaker 4 

You know, I felt. 

00:44:22 Speaker 4 

That that was the. 

00:44:23 Speaker 4 

Message she had for me in. 

00:44:24 Speaker 4 

The end that I don't know how. 

00:44:26 Speaker 4 

To explain any of that either. 

00:44:28 Speaker 4 

Like everything my grandmother told. 

00:44:29 Speaker 5 

Me was true. 

00:44:30 Speaker 4 

I had to legally emancipate myself from my mom. 

00:44:34 Speaker 4 

's post mortem. 

00:44:35 Speaker 4 

So as to not be responsible for the assets. 

00:44:41 Speaker 4 

That were once my grandmother and grandfathers my moms. 

00:44:45 Speaker 4 

So that's what my grandma meant by you have. 

00:44:47 Speaker 4 

To take care of all this because. 

00:44:50 Speaker 4 

It was behind in taxes. 

00:44:52 Speaker 4 

And it was it was. 

00:44:53 Speaker 4 

And I'm I'm you're not going to pin. 

00:44:55 Speaker 4 

This on me. 

00:44:56 Speaker 4 

I didn't have anything to do with it, but. 

00:44:58 Speaker 4 

I did have to take. 

00:44:59 Speaker 4 

Care of it all and it really was. 

00:45:02 Speaker 4 

And I'm 40. 

00:45:03 Speaker 4 

9 and that's one of the most difficult. 

00:45:05 Speaker 4 

Things other I had ever had to. 

00:45:06 Speaker 4 

Do in my. 

00:45:07 Speaker 4 

Life like what would I have done? 

00:45:09 Speaker 4 

Without the paranormal, I don't. 

00:45:10 Speaker 5 

Know how else to put it? 

00:45:11 Speaker 4 

I don't. 

00:45:12 Speaker 4 

I don't know how I. 

00:45:13 Speaker 4 

I don't know how I. 

00:45:14 Speaker 4 

Would have accepted all that had I not. 

00:45:18 Speaker 4 

You know, spoken with someone to help me out. 

00:45:21 Speaker 4 

It wasn't someone who's still living. 

00:45:23 Speaker 4 

I don't. 

00:45:23 Speaker 4 

You know, I don't know how to explain that to people. 

00:45:26 Speaker 4 

I don't. 

00:45:26 Speaker 4 

I've only told that entire story. 

00:45:28 Speaker 5 

To a few of. 

00:45:29 Speaker 4 

My friends and all of them cry because close to my mom too. 

00:45:32 Speaker 4 

And you know like. 

00:45:33 Speaker 4 

I didn't know you went through that and I was like I. 

00:45:35 Speaker 4 

I didn't want to go I. 

00:45:37 Speaker 5 

I didn't want to and I don't. 

00:45:39 Speaker 4 

Share it and you. 

00:45:40 Speaker 4 

Know why should I? 

00:45:41 Speaker 4 

And it settled. 

00:45:42 Speaker 5 

With her too, like. 

00:45:43 Speaker 4 

I she loved Cardinals. 

00:45:46 Speaker 4 

And especially the red ones, her life any time I would. 

00:45:49 Speaker 4 

Go to like, you know the little. 

00:45:51 Speaker 4 

The little things at school and elementary. 

00:45:52 Speaker 5 

Where you go by your. 

00:45:53 Speaker 4 

Mom and dad. 

00:45:54 Speaker 4 

's gift that. 

00:45:55 Speaker 4 

They could have a little gift shop. 

00:45:56 Speaker 4 

I would always find some with the cardinal on. 

00:45:58 Speaker 4 

It so she would always and. 

00:45:59 Speaker 4 

It would always be. 

00:46:00 Speaker 4 

Bills or something so. 

00:46:02 Speaker 4 

There's always a. 

00:46:03 Speaker 4 

Cardinal, that stays out of my bird feeder and. 

00:46:08 Speaker 4 

Actually, there's been a cardinal and a female cardinal, and I guess they're babies now. 

00:46:14 Speaker 4 

There's so many of them out there. 

00:46:16 Speaker 4 

So I I think of her every time. 

00:46:19 Speaker 4 

I see and I. 

00:46:20 Speaker 4 

Know that the red car, you. 

00:46:21 Speaker 4 

Know there's supposed. 

00:46:21 Speaker 4 

To be a sign that someone from the other. 

00:46:23 Speaker 4 

Side is there with you, you know, watching over. 

00:46:27 Speaker 4 

Or coming to visit or saying. 

00:46:29 Speaker 4 

Hi they always give me a little bit of comfort when I see them because I it just reminds me it reminds. 

00:46:37 Speaker 4 

Me of her and. 

00:46:38 Speaker 5 

And so far as my grandmother, I mean. 

00:46:40 Speaker 4 

I I almost. 

00:46:41 Speaker 4 

Don't say to interact. 

00:46:42 Speaker 4 

With her but. 

00:46:43 Speaker 4 

I'll get little signs from her all the time. 

00:46:46 Speaker 4 

Just little things, I mean it. 

00:46:49 Speaker 4 

It's very bizarre. I don't. 

00:46:52 Speaker 5 

I hate to. 

00:46:52 Speaker 4 

Say I feel protected and spiritually I don't walk around and just play with Ouija boards Willy nilly anymore. 

00:46:59 Speaker 4 

But you know, I'm not trying to. 

00:47:02 Speaker 4 

You have to be protected spiritually. 

00:47:05 Speaker 4 

I I just feel, I don't know, at at peace, maybe. 

00:47:09 Speaker 4 

And that comes kind of plays into why I'm I guess. 

00:47:12 Speaker 4 

I don't have a. 

00:47:13 Speaker 4 

Quote UN quote. Fear of death as much as a lot of people because like you said, you know, we all feared unknown. 

00:47:24 Speaker 2 

I definitely love this real life hunt because it is a variety of different things. 

00:47:29 Speaker 2 

I love everything from hearing about the Moth man, which is some. 

00:47:32 Speaker 2 

Thing you know me. 

00:47:34 Speaker 2 

I'm obsessed with aliens and Bigfoot. 

00:47:36 Speaker 2 

I don't really use the moth man's name much in my vocabulary because I don't really know much about it, so it definitely gave me a reason to look up other cryptids besides my favorites. 

00:47:49 Speaker 2 

And so I really enjoyed her kind of telling me about the Moth man because. 

00:47:53 Speaker 2 

I did know that it was mostly focused on these areas, like in the Appalachian, but I just, I honestly the only time I had really heard of him was watching this show on sci-fi so. 

00:48:09 Speaker 3 

Well, it's a. 

00:48:09 Speaker 3 

There's a great movie Mothman prophecies, which I think she talks about. 

00:48:13 Speaker 3 

So you know, check that movie out. 

00:48:15 Speaker 3 

It's it's a really good sort of representation of. 

00:48:18 Speaker 3 

One of those. 

00:48:19 Speaker 3 

Paranormal sort of stories with the crypted. 

00:48:22 Speaker 3 

Oh, also, you know her talking about the fairies and and wooded areas and made me think of your brown. 

00:48:29 Speaker 3 

Mountain life story from like the very beginning of our podcast, it seems like and how, like one of the possible explanations of why people. 

00:48:38 Speaker 3 

See like these? 

00:48:39 Speaker 3 

Lights in the mountains. 

00:48:41 Speaker 3 

Are fairies? 

00:48:42 Speaker 3 

Or that it could be so. 

00:48:44 Speaker 3 

You know, I think maybe that's one of those sort of Appalachian folklore stories as well. 

00:48:49 Speaker 2 

Well, yeah. 

00:48:49 Speaker 2 

And it's just interesting with, you know, Native Americans, too. 

00:48:53 Speaker 2 

She does talk about that and and really that these stories are almost, you know, stories passed down from generation to generation. 

00:49:01 Speaker 2 

And they just keep going. 

00:49:02 Speaker 2 

And I think that's really neat. 

00:49:04 Speaker 2 

And I also enjoyed her other stories. 

00:49:06 Speaker 2 

She's she's experienced a lot of loss and just the way that she's able to kind of overcome that and share those and. 

00:49:14 Speaker 2 

Share the the growth that she's kind of gone through to be where she is now is pretty cool, so I appreciate April for sharing those. 

00:49:22 Speaker 2 

Again, check her out on TikTok at April Edwards with two SS's and learn all about your Appalachian folklore and folk magic. 

00:49:33 Speaker 3 

And hey, if you want to Share your story. 

00:49:34 Speaker 3 

The bus. 

00:49:35 Speaker 3 

It's real easy to do so. All you got to do is e-mail us at the 

00:49:42 Speaker 2 

Or you can check us out on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, WIK, Wok, me, Mok, Me Bob. 

00:49:48 Speaker 3 

We're all over the place. 

00:49:51 Speaker 2 

Don't forget about our giveaway on Instagram as well, and until. 

00:49:56 Speaker 2 

Next time. 

00:49:58 Speaker 3 

Unrest in peace. 



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