The Unrest Podcast

Real Life Haunt: Jordan

Madeleine Green, Kaitlin Stansell

Our guest, Jordan, shares her personal experience about her beloved dog who passed away, and how this experience provided her with comfort and closure. But that's not all she also discusses dreams, which seem to be more than just random images in her mind. In fact, some of them seem to come true!

Together, we examine the significance of dreams, how they can provide insight and guidance, and the ways in which they can impact our lives. 

Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, this episode is sure to make you think differently about the power of the subconscious mind. Tune in to The Unrest Podcast and join the conversation.

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Real Life Haunt: Jordan


00:00:04 Speaker 1 

The unrest, the unrest, the Unrest Podcast, podcast, podcast. 

00:00:16 Speaker 2 

Welcome to the Unrest podcast. 

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I'm Caitlin stansell. 

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And I'm Madeline Greene. 

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If you haven't already, please subscribe to the Unrest podcast. 

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Wherever you listen to podcasts. 

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So this episode is for our animal lovers out there, our pet love. 

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This is a story that really touched my heart when I did this interview, so I'm excited for us to share it, but it comes in sort of an interesting time in your life. 

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At least Madeleine, because she has this cute little frenchie named Viva that has been in our lives. 

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How old is Viva now? 

00:00:54 Speaker 3 

Well, her birthday is actually on the 28th of March and she'll be 14. 

00:01:00 Speaker 2 

I mean, wow, she's. 

00:01:02 Speaker 3 

An old lady. 

00:01:04 Speaker 2 

But Madeline, you got Viva a year or two years before I got Z, right? 

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So they sort of like, grew up together in our little college house, and she's been with you up until now and she's still here. 

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She's still here, but she's having some. 

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Old lady problems and just sort of like a sort of like a time where you're really reflecting and giving her all her love and spoiling her right now. 

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And whenever if somebody asked, I'm like, Yep, she was in college with me. 

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And like, she knows all of my secrets. 

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She's just been the best little dog in the whole world and to have her this long has been a blessing. 

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She does have cancer and you know, she's had other health problems throughout her life. 

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But she's just kind of pushed through. 

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But I know that I'm near the end. 

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She's she can't really walk anymore. 

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And so I'm just trying to, you know, make her life. 

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The best possible yesterday. 

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I got up super early before work cause now she kind of comes to work with me and so I got up super early and we went to Starbucks. 

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And I got her a PUP cup. 

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And just little things like. 

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She loved it, and right now she's laying beside me. 

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So if you hear her snoring, I'm sorry. 

00:02:16 Speaker 3 

I don't care. 

00:02:18 Speaker 2 

Viva has been. 

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In the background of many of our episodes, with her little snores. 

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But she's such a sweet girl and so many great memories with her as well. 

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So this story I interviewed. 

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Jordan and. 

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She tells me about this experience that she had after her dog Hunter passed away and I just want to read a text exchange that we had because this story really touched me as well. 

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My dog, Zee, passed away two years ago and so this is what I said after I did my interview interview with Jordan. 

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I said I just wanted to say that your hunter story had. 

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Me tearing up. 

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My dog died about two years ago in sort of a similar unexpected medical incident and I just love that you got a chance to say goodbye. 

00:03:02 Speaker 2 

And she said it makes me tear up too, and I will forever be thankful that he thought of me before he crossed over. Losing a pet is never easy. So take a listen to Jordan's story. 

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My name is. 

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Jordan and I live in North Georgia. 

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I've always. 

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Been a believer. 

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And that too many things that that I have seen and things that I have, dreams that have come true and things like that to like not be a believer. 

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We had had this dog. 

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He wasn't. 

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He wasn't supposed to be our dog. 

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We were just supposed. 

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To be watching him for a friend of a friend while they were going out of the country on business for a couple of months and he was just about a year. 

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Old whenever he came to us. 

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And at the time, I think it was like. 

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9 or 10 and it was his name was Hunter. 

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He was a Springer spaniel and the lady had come back by to get to get him. 

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Whenever she got back. 

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So I was playing in the front yard and decided to just turn around and. 

00:04:01 Speaker 2 

Go home and. 

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We never heard from her again. 

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And, but the story starts, I guess. 

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Whenever me and my mom, my grandma, my aunt. 

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We went to Colorado. 

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For vacation and her was older, but we didn't really think that we had anything to fear. 

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So we had a problem leaving him back home with my dad. 

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And while we were in Colorado, it was our second day there. 

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My dad called and was like, hey, you know, something's going old hunter. 

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I'm gonna take him to the vet in the morning, but he's not eating and he wasn't able to make it up the stairs tonight from. 

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Going to the bathroom, we're. 

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Just like, OK, you know, whatever let us. 

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And so Dad takes him and. 

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The vet tells him that he has cancer that has no doubt. 

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Spread all over his body. 

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And that he's. 

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In incredible pain. 

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And so my dad calls us and he, you know, he relays the message and. 

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The doctor put Hunter on pain medication. 

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So that maybe me and mom could get. 

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Home to be there. 

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To put him down. 

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So I put him to sleep and it it didn't. 

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Work out that way that we got snowed in. 

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We couldn't catch another flight out. 

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Of Colorado. 

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But we didn't. 

00:05:12 Speaker 4 

Want to leave him like that? 

00:05:14 Speaker 4 

Obviously so. 

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The following day, my dad. 

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I took him back to the vet where they inevitably put him to sleep while me and my mom on the phone. 

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We said her goodbyes and at night me and my mom were beside ourselves. 

00:05:31 Speaker 4 

Obviously we just. 

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We don't want. 

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To do anything, we just go to bed. 

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But I also wanted to be alone. 

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So that night, I. 

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Went to sleep on the couch downstairs. 

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So everybody else was upstairs. 

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And I'm asleep. 

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Whenever I'm woken up to, like, licking on my face in my hand, which is something that Hunter used to do to go outside whenever he had to go to the bathroom, like in the middle of the night. 

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And I wake up and he's there and he's there, just like he was the day before I left. 

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Like I could feel him. 

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I can smell him. 

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I can, like I can. 

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I'm literally like petting him and like, feeling his. 

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Curls and his soft hair. 

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And like, I'm talking to him and I and I tell him, I'm like, hey, thank you and thank you. 

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For realizing that. 

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I needed to say goodbye to you. 

00:06:14 Speaker 4 

Like thank you for needing to say goodbye to me. 

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And so he, he motions. 

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Like towards the door. 

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And it's it was the front door, but it the front door was it was a little weird the way that resort was set up. 

00:06:28 Speaker 4 

The front door face woodline and like you actually parked in the back like where? 

00:06:32 Speaker 4 

The deck was. 

00:06:34 Speaker 4 

So it was solid woods out the front door and then? 


He motioned to. 

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The door to be let out and so my. 


Brought up. 

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And I let him out. 

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And he walked off into the woods, turned around and looked back. 

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And you one more time and just. 

00:06:47 Speaker 4 

Kept going. 

00:06:49 Speaker 4 

I I actually. 

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Didn't tell my mom. 

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The next day, I didn't tell my. 

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Mom, for a couple of days. 

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I just one because honest honestly, I didn't want her to. 

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Be jealous. 

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Like cause I didn't like. 

00:07:02 Speaker 4 

I didn't want her to feel bad. 

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The hunter. 

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And come take. 

00:07:04 Speaker 4 

Goodbye to her. 


That he. 

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Only that he had only come to me. 

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But whenever I did tell her. 

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You know, she started crying again because, I mean, like all of his mannerisms, like were the same. 

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Like Hunter, he smiles and like he lifts his. 

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He would lift his top jaws. 

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And like he looked like he was growling and like he would even kind of growl. 

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But he was literally just happy and smiling and like while. 

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While I was interacting with Hunter that night. 

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Like he was doing. 

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That and so like he was. 

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Like doing all of our favorite. 

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Things like that he does. 

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And so I guess I was explaining this to my mom, you know, she just it's like like. 

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She obviously knows the dog, so she just. 

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Do, but you know he didn't come to say goodbye, but. And from that day on, like like I went to bed upstairs in my mom's bed that night after I had let Hunter out like I was fine. 

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Like sure, and missed him. 

00:07:55 Speaker 4 

Love him. 

00:07:55 Speaker 4 

Wish that he was still here. 

00:07:57 Speaker 4 

You know I would throw all those emotions, but I was no longer, like, devastated. 

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So my first one, whenever I was 12, my uncle link on my dad's side, he had lived with us. 

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For a little while. 

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And I just thought he was the coolest person ever. 

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Like every time you go to the store and. 

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Buy like little snacks or. 

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Little treats you know, so I was like, really, really cool. 

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And he lived. 

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In this for about a year. 

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And then he moved back down to Florida. 

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Yeah. And about it. 

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I don't. 

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I don't know exactly how long after he moved out. 

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It could have been a year. 

00:08:26 Speaker 4 

It could have. 

00:08:26 Speaker 4 

Been four years. 

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So I was young, I. 

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Don't remember, but I was asleep. 

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In my bed. 

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One night and I had this terrible, terrible dream. 

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And it woke me up and I'm like I'm. 

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I'm like, ugly crying. 

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I'm sobbing. 

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I go to my mom. 

00:08:41 Speaker 4 

I'm like. 

00:08:41 Speaker 4 

Mom and. 

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Describe my dream to her and I'm like. 

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Like there's a man. 

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I was like, there was a. 

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Man in a car and. 

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He was going through a toll. 

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Booth, like on the Florida Turnpike. 

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He was in a blue truck and he was trying to get his phone and and I was like and then. 

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The semi just hit him. 

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Just hit him and his and I just kept on my mouth like I know that he's dead. 

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Like whoever. 

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Was in that truck like it's not surviving that. 

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Like I watched it. 

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And the very next morning, at about 10:00 o'clock, my mom is a call from. 

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My grandmother to let me know that link had in fact passed and he. 

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Was on the Turnpike. 

00:09:18 Speaker 4 

He was in his. 

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Blue truck and he was hit by a semi. 

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I was a little freaked out. 

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My mom was a little bit more freaked out about it, but she. 

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Told me that it's. 

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Quite normal coming from her side of the family, that it's just something that some of the women can do on her side to be the one just give to my mom and skip to my grandmother. 

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But my great grandmother, she had dreams that would come true or dreams. 

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I guess that we're somewhat, I don't want to use the word premonition because they're not. 

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Always exactly spot on but. 

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After Link had passed and about. 

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A year later, I had another. 

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Dream that had also come true. 

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And whenever we told my grandma that one, like on top of the linked one and this is my grandma on my mom's side, she said. 

00:10:01 Speaker 4 

You know, my mom can do. 

00:10:02 Speaker 4 

Things like that and then. 

00:10:03 Speaker 4 

You know, and we've like tried to. 

00:10:05 Speaker 4 

Press her. But that's really. 

00:10:06 Speaker 4 

All we got. 

00:10:07 Speaker 4 

Like I said, she's not a talker and wasn't gonna go in depth with me. 

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It was just. 

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That my mom could do that too. 

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My grandmother on my dad's side, she had dementia and she was in Hospice, so me and my. 

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Dad drove down to Florida to be with. 

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And while I was there, no one else was. 

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Visiting she has. 

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Three other kids that were living multitude of grandkids. 

00:10:26 Speaker 4 

No one else was there, but me and my dad. 

00:10:28 Speaker 4 

And then I would I like. 

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So I was fixated. 

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I was like 18 at the time I was fixated on being awake, like being there whenever she passed, like I. 

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Did not want her to be alone. 

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And I was one of the last people that she remembered before her mom, before she really lost her mind. 

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So I'm like, I'm laying, I'm sitting in the chair and I'm laying across like the side of her bed and I'm holding her hand. 

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And I just happened to fall asleep with my head on her bed. 

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And this is. 

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After the third day of me trying to. 

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Stay up all night. 

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While my dad took the day. 

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Shift and I end up falling asleep. 

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And then I feel like this patting slash rubbing on my shoulder, kind of like, oh, hi, good morning. 

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Like, wake up, honey kind of thing. 

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And I wake up just in time, like to watch her take her last couple of. 

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And I just, I know without a doubt that like somebody something I don't even know what like woke me up. 

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But after she had passed, like, I immediately just out loud was like, thank you. 

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Like, thank you for waking me up. 

00:11:24 Speaker 4 

And that one, like I have chills right now. 

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Like that one gives me. 

00:11:27 Speaker 4 

Chills every time. 

00:11:29 Speaker 4 

I think it's just. 

00:11:29 Speaker 4 

Like I'm an open person. 

00:11:31 Speaker 4 

Like I'm just like, it's almost kind of like. 

00:11:34 Speaker 4 

And it is what? 

00:11:35 Speaker 4 

It is, yeah, like I don't. 

00:11:37 Speaker 4 

I've never really been uncomfortable, if that makes sense. 

00:11:42 Speaker 4 

Like just from the very get go, it was like, oh, I have. 

00:11:44 Speaker 4 

This stream and. 

00:11:45 Speaker 4 

It came true. 

00:11:45 Speaker 4 

OK, so like, this is the. 

00:11:46 Speaker 4 

Thing now cool. 

00:11:47 Speaker 4 

Like, let's roll with this. 


So I guess. 

00:11:49 Speaker 2 

The people out there who may be like, skeptical or uncomfortable with the idea that you know this is possible. 

00:11:58 Speaker 2 

I guess. 

00:11:59 Speaker 2 

What would you say to them? 

00:12:01 Speaker 4 

Well, that's tough. That's tough because my partner's actually skeptical issues and believe a word that I say. No, no, she thinks that. 

00:12:09 Speaker 4 

Like I need a grippy socks vacation. 

00:12:15 Speaker 4 

But I guess just that. 

00:12:18 Speaker 4 

I don't know. 

00:12:18 Speaker 4 

Like I guess it's OK. 

00:12:19 Speaker 4 

To be uncomfortable with what it is that you. 

00:12:21 Speaker 4 

Don't know, but you can't discredit other people who, like, have lived through it like like, you know, like you can. 

00:12:29 Speaker 4 

You can be a skeptic, but you can be. 

00:12:30 Speaker 4 

A respectful skeptic for one. 

00:12:36 Speaker 2 

So when I wrapped up this interview with Jordan, I'll admit I was sort of like recording this as I was driving home from work one day. 

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And I was like, crying in the car as I was driving, just thinking of how sweet of an experience that had to have been for her. 

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And you know, you don't always get that opportunity to sort of have that moment of goodbye and you know, like she said, she's just really grateful that that she had that experience. 

00:13:04 Speaker 3 

You know, she is really lucky because something like so tragic like that and then not to be able to get there, you know, like you're trying it means so much to you, but you just can't make it work. 

00:13:16 Speaker 3 

It's not working out. 

00:13:17 Speaker 3 

And then for him to like kind of give her that last like. 

00:13:20 Speaker 3 

You know. 

00:13:20 Speaker 2 

It's OK. 

00:13:21 Speaker 2 

I know you loved me. 

00:13:22 Speaker 3 


00:13:22 Speaker 2 

I'll see you on the other side. 

00:13:24 Speaker 2 

Sort of thing, yeah. 

00:13:25 Speaker 3 

I was telling my mom I was like, I think what makes it really hard is I've had animals my whole life, but I've never had an old animal like everything has tragically died, and I almost feel like those have been so much easier because it's almost like, you know, some of them. 

00:13:44 Speaker 3 

I didn't have to witness. 

00:13:46 Speaker 3 

Some of them, you know, it was nothing you could do, but it's like when you have something older like that, it's like. 

00:13:53 Speaker 2 

And you like? Don't. 

00:13:54 Speaker 2 

Want them to be in pain or suffering and. 

00:13:56 Speaker 2 

Can't verbalize any of that to you. 

00:13:59 Speaker 3 

As well, it's just so hard and I don't know. 

00:14:03 Speaker 3 

I don't even know how to explain it like and so I feel terrible saying this, but like. 

00:14:08 Speaker 3 

It feels some, like almost sometimes, worse than like a a person. 

00:14:12 Speaker 3 

Like this is, you know, an animal that Viva sleeps with me every night. 

00:14:16 Speaker 3 

Like I just don't know what I'm gonna do without her. 

00:14:19 Speaker 2 

Well, and sometimes our pets like we spend more time with them than people we love. 

00:14:24 Speaker 2 

You know, like you said, like Viva sleeps with you every night. 

00:14:27 Speaker 2 

That tells you was with me and like I would go to sleep hearing her snoring and like that was really comforting to me. 

00:14:34 Speaker 2 

And there's still times when I get really sad and cry about it. 

00:14:38 Speaker 2 

Just because you feel like there's sort of like a hole. 

00:14:41 Speaker 2 

In your heart? 

00:14:42 Speaker 2 

It's just like an empty space in your life where they've always been, especially having her since. 

00:14:48 Speaker 2 

I mean, that's half your life. 

00:14:50 Speaker 2 

Ohh yeah, and never try right now. 

00:14:52 Speaker 3 

I know everyone's like, you know, you'll get another one. 

00:14:56 Speaker 3 

And I'm like, I don't know if I want another one. 

00:14:59 Speaker 3 

Like, I don't think there will ever be another Viva just like there will never be another. 

00:15:04 Speaker 3 

See and I sometimes I feel like I don't want to feel like I'm trying to replace her, you know, like she she's been such a great dog. 

00:15:13 Speaker 3 

I don't want to feel like. 

00:15:15 Speaker 3 

Oh, I gotta get another one so. 

00:15:16 Speaker 3 

I don't think about her, you know. 

00:15:17 Speaker 3 

Yeah, I don't want to do that. 

00:15:19 Speaker 3 

And again. 

00:15:20 Speaker 3 

I don't want to have to. 

00:15:21 Speaker 3 

Go through the heartache again. 

00:15:23 Speaker 2 

Wait, that's one reason why we waited. 

00:15:26 Speaker 2 

For like almost a year before we got our cat, Winston, just we just weren't ready yet to, like, take on that emotional piece of it all. 

00:15:38 Speaker 2 

And you know, we just were like, gosh, if something else happened, like, really soon, it would be really hard for us to. 

00:15:44 Speaker 2 

Like but also I think. 

00:15:47 Speaker 2 

You know, not everyone feels that way about their pets. 

00:15:49 Speaker 2 

I think for like me and you, they're like our our little children. 

00:15:52 Speaker 2 

And you know, they are just like, very close family members to us. 

00:15:57 Speaker 2 

But not everyone sees their pets that way, and that's OK. 

00:16:00 Speaker 3 

But we do. 

00:16:03 Speaker 2 

And maybe we're right, maybe. 

00:16:04 Speaker 2 

We're wrong. 

00:16:04 Speaker 2 

We don't care. 

00:16:06 Speaker 2 

You know, I mean I think that that makes it harder to. 

00:16:10 Speaker 2 

There's just a lot of emotion. 

00:16:11 Speaker 2 

And what do you do at the end of their days when you know they're not able to sort of communicate with you what they're feeling, but you sort of know it's almost their time. 

00:16:21 Speaker 2 

I mean, that's a hard decision and and feeling like you're making the right one or or not. 

00:16:26 Speaker 2 

I mean that's that's hard and you have to come. 

00:16:28 Speaker 2 

To peace with that. 

00:16:29 Speaker 3 

Hopefully I'm that lucky and Viva will come to me in dreams. 

00:16:36 Speaker 2 

You'll hear snoring. 

00:16:38 Speaker 3 

I probably will. 

00:16:40 Speaker 2 

Lesser. Well, if you have a story that you'd like to share with us here on the Unrest podcast, we'd love to hear it. You can e-mail us at the or. 

00:16:52 Speaker 3 

Also, yeah or or also? 

00:16:56 Speaker 3 

Check us out on Instagram. We are at 900 followers and we want to get to 1000. We're going to do a giveaway when we get to 1000. 

00:17:06 Speaker 3 

So please like us on Instagram, like us on Facebook, like us on Twitter, like us on TikTok, TikTok, like us on everything. 

00:17:16 Speaker 3 

Share this with your friends. 

00:17:18 Speaker 3 

Likeable gals. 

00:17:20 Speaker 2 

And until next time. 

00:17:22 Speaker 2 

Unrest in peace. 


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