The Unrest Podcast
The Unrest Podcast
Real Life Haunt: Laci
Step into the captivating world of aviation history as we hear from Laci about what it is like working in an aviation museum in Arkansas, that might have a few ghostly helpers hanging around.
We delve into the inexplicable occurrences that have been witnessed within the museum's walls and unravel the enigmatic and eerie experiences that have plagued the museum.
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Real Life Haunt: Laci
The unrest, the unrest, the Unrest Podcast, podcast, podcast.
Welcome to the Unrest podcast.
Madeline, have you seen the aliens in the news recently?
No, I'm shocked because you're you're the alien.
So basically what happened was in Nevada, like around Las Vegas.
And it's kind of like weird and sketchy as most alien things are like.
What they're seeing, but they said as they're out there.
It's all kind of weird and strange, as most alien stories are, but I'm glad it just wasn't me.
Yeah, no, haven't heard of this.
I'm pretty sure I think I sent that one to you on Snapchat, but I don't know what's happening.
If they're trying to make contact or what, but as long as they stay.
This doesn't have to do aliens per se, but we did go on that trip to Colorado and.
I don't know why I'm connecting this with the aliens, but we got to go and see these.
I think I guess from like ancient aliens, you.
Know they always say that The Cave.
Connect with like aliens and I kid you not like these cave drawings look.
Like the little like people that they were supposedly drawing look like little aliens, yeah.
What I love about like stories about aliens and even like the Loch Ness Monster.
Like there was one recently about.
Photographic evidence, like new evidence that the Loch Ness Monster is apparently.
And that just seems crazy to me.
Loch Ness Monster, not far from where I.
There is a lake and it's called Lake Norman and.
There is a like Lake Norman monster.
And the guy that we had on this show not.
Driven by the lake, I haven't seen Normie yet.
But tell us about our real life hunt today.
So take a listen to some of her favorites that she shared.
My name is Lacey Prince and I'm museum director for our museum.
Yeah, so this Arkansas Air military museum.
Couple weeks ago for telling one of our little.
It was like I'm like all the tick.
Tocks I've made this is the one so.
To really, you know, enjoy the.
Yeah. Experience. So, yeah, early in 2021, we got a phone call from the.
Boonville Library in Boonville, Arkansas.
Most people have never heard of that city.
It's the middle of nowhere and you can't get there from here.
And they're like, hey, we're getting ready to close our museum.
We have here in the library and there's some.
Artifacts we think need to come to.
We don't want, you know, anything to go to waste.
And so we went down there and have a primary check.
Yeah, like, oh, these look great.
Well, we didn't know they were.
And so it was pretty much anything this man had ever owned in his entire.
That matched our very much matched our mission to the Museum of preserving our Kansas military.
From when he where she worked in Indonesia.
So his name was General John P McConnell, and he was born in Beeville.
He went to college, actually buy all water of Henderson staying.
This is before we had the Arkansas, the Arkansas.
Sorry, the American Air Force, our US Air Force.
Long before we had them and he went down to West Point because at this time you had to.
And he became a professor there on top of a lobby.
And he and his replied his leaving West Point.
So we didn't think much about it.
We just kind of threw it in the case and shortly after we got everything organized and understood.
How the artifacts we actually had?
And there won't be any issue, right?
Because you know, you did something that day.
I I go something that and one of.
Very, very much does not believe in ghosts.
Came up and slapped my ponytail.
And this is like shortly after we opened.
Like there's another human being other than us too in the museum and something, it's laughter.
Well, a couple weeks later, our.
Ghost Hunt comes up and we don't think anything of.
It and we immediately the first thing.
Back up after we finish there.
So we start there and the first thing it pops up on little Ghost box is keys.
And so during to go something like curate.
Grabbed the key she put back in the case.
Right after and he was like, OK, thank you, Sir.
Hey, you know, I understand losing your keys.
I if if they were, if my head was attached to my body, I'd.
So I totally get losing your keys.
So I got married on October 16.
Our ghost Hunt was a week later and not even a week later I think it.
There's like, OK, whatever, because we don't really have any legit attic.
It's where they had to put a new roof over the historic roof to save.
But it was raining that night.
Don't think much of anything you know.
Especially well, hey, week to the day.
Exactly the pipe first above my desk, and when the crew came in, it was even.
Either it was our fire suppression system.
It so it ran literally until someone turned it off to make sure the.
And so, like all those things like oh.
Well, and that part is we're very small museum, very underfunded.
So we all use our own personal computers.
I never, ever, ever leave my personal computer at work.
It was kind of like my husband.
Hey, remember that ghost told you about the water in the attic?
Was like, shut up that crap and.
And my and my my employee who also.
I don't like that I don't wanna.
And that just happened to be placed at first.
Like don't didn't recognize and he's another one of the ones like you can read the comments.
Post it's a lot more common than people think.
Had living history here, so it's one of those.
Weird ones like you're like, Oh my God.
And so Ray and he was the guy who actually came in.
One of those like I think he's.
Just watching his property, I don't think.
Off on all the projects out there.
Wanted other people to find a love of aviation, they.
Ones that really bothers me to this.
No one I have never met anybody who has an encounter with Adam that has been good.
Adam hangs out in our restoration shop and the only reason we call him.
He'll say stuff like that really short.
You know, stopping high conversations, and he'll just he won't ever answer.
Like somebody said, hey, how do we get out?
Like nod, his head in a certain direction.
Gonna have to write a report about this.
You know, and so I ran to the second building.
And I got back to the shop area and it sounded like somebody was sitting there flipping tables over.
So that's the one that we had a we had a volunteer two years ago, we always.
He was like I always complained.
Was being watched back there, so we got out of there.
And so we had his volunteer and he he probably worked every single day for two years.
His wife was still a school teacher, so she was working constantly as well all the time.
He took office for his birthday, he would go.
And he got really acquainted with us.
And he got really acquainted to, like, our stories about weird things that happened.
Well, about a week before this gentleman passed away.
Y'all need to leave these girls alone.
Doing a good job around here, you know he didn't.
When he realized I was in the room.
We can come back in here and haunt every hunt, y'all and make sure these ghosts.
Bother you anymore, said all y'all can do.
A better job was something he always said the day this man died.
When I say he also always told us that he was gonna mess with.
Things the day he died, he would come back and he would mess with things and just really.
Like it was something like that.
Relationship you got with this.
Guy and he the day this man dies.
My employees back tire was flat, the opposite.
We had one of these big hanger doors break it, got some kid.
Accidentally fell through another hanger door like it was made out.
In I mean everything that could go wrong that day actually went wrong.
I'm like he's messing with us.
They've been having a lot of issues with the door.
Because I I have some weird feelings too, I said.
Like the toilets haven't been flushing by themselves.
Don't say they completely soft when he.
Don't like him being watched all the time now?
And I don't know if it was like you know.
It was like, you know, plus you both.
Like you protect this kind of thing.
But our ghost hunts, we've almost had to start canceling because we have not had any activity.
We and The thing is, it's getting crazier is in our last ghost.
I don't know what came about me, but I kind.
And that's when my big picky things like don't touch me there.
Like I told him that one time.
Mad and we're sitting there talking to the crowd and saying apologizing how lame it had been.
Like, I can't believe this is so lame this year.
And at that moment, it felt like somebody grabbed my waist and.
And they immediately on the ghost box.
And he he kind of looked up to the back and.
There's in the room and we were in.
I kept looking up there for some reason and my husband file looks up there.
He goes he, my husband and him were almost like brothers and my husband goes well.
Which was something they said to each other.
I'm like, and my husband, like, ever since.
He's like, no, that's the only time I've had something kind of like that.
The courts, like I've never seen in my entire life.
Well, which I don't know how how southern you are, but that's a very much a like, yeah.
He said well, hell, so I go to the break room, I grab the beer, I sit the center.
And my husband, one of the plans.
Died very suddenly because we knew he was kind.
But he had never expressed to us.
Actually was and it was like he left.
He left the museum and he died two days later.
He was that quick and none of us were expecting.
It and him and my husband, like the last thing he had been.
Well, my husband, it made him very emotional.
And he said, hey, I hate that.
It it came with the ghost box and.
It was like I said in some of.
And then it kind of just went silent and we never heard anything ever again.
He was there two days before painting one of the rooms said.
Went to the hospital that night and died.
So and and like I said, it was one of the things.
Us to know how sick he was, and so he hadn't.
And so we when his wife came in, she.
Were like, we're just some tears.
Got in the terminal diagnosis.
Apparently year prior had not told.
Anybody, like most things, it was like, oh, well, yeah, you're you're right.
We are very shocked right now.
Thank you for letting another one of our weird.
Ones that our ghost hunters should they have, they stuck with her more.
The ghost hunter we bring in, she's actually using professional as well and so.
Like she's not pulling her change.
Her weird one was she came in the other day.
One day she's like, I just want to, like, know like.
And Haley said it's so much worse during the day.
So she came out there and she sat back in our room where we store all of our tables and chairs like.
Like beauty, weddings at the museum, some and.
So she went back there and she's passed.
Because we have had reports of children lashing back there before.
I have never heard anything like that.
Well, she got back there and shared the first thing she gets on.
And it said a female's name. I can.
When I do interviews about this.
Stuff, but says the female's name and she goes OK well, how?
And the next answer was Ed flying one of the very, very few plane crashes on our airfield.
And we didn't think anything of it.
Research I didn't know about the plane crash.
I had heard there was a really, really bad plane crash that involved children, but they.
It kind of thing like I'm busy now learning.
About my drug cartel playing, you know that.
Kind of stuff, so I never thought about.
Well, she goes and does the entire research, and sure enough, like all the names lined up exactly.
And then another one of the weird ones she got it said Grandpa.
So that one that one actually talking about it gives me stump season stay here miles away from you.
And like I almost say around Christmas we get more crap.
And I don't know if it's because we're stressed out or it's just a, you know, holiday kind of thing.
Museum and I assume museum a dozen times, like, because of different events and stuff.
And like, it's no big deal to me.
Well, on the nice snows, I swear it's 10 times creepier.
It's like there was one time my husband and I were.
It's snowing your day and he goes.
I just feel like I'm being watched in here, I said.
I know I said I hadn't felt that in the longest.
I didn't like the bad part is you.
Knowing that going well, you left the fridge.
Had come from a different museum.
And so I've always been kind of intrigued and.
When I did it originally, it was strictly just a fundraiser for the museum.
So it's truly just a fundraiser like saying, let's see what happen.
And sure enough, we we actually sold it completely out within 15 minutes.
Was that was in the middle of COVID.
So by the end of it there, especially during the drug cartel playing area.
I was convinced the guys had three reported stuff because it was a little.
Like it was any kind of guessing.
Obvious like it was getting like the airplane, it was never.
But it was never actually flow.
It never flowed drugs because it was actually the plane he used after.
Like Oh yeah, which you carrying this and the first answer came back was like drugs and guns.
And like, that's not true, but OK, we'll go with it because, you know, everybody's excited about it.
Not actual, but like more reputable human beings coming in due to Ghost Hunt.
I I always kind of hoped that there were ghosts.
My husband thinks I'm a freak sometimes.
I'm like, I'm one of those people.
I religiously watch ghost hunters that.
I had had somewhere especially the civil War sites.
And the more I worked at this museum, the more our experiences I have like, Oh well, that was weird.
So it it has solidified it significantly for me.
Yeah, we'll say one of the other cool things.
Yeah, you can sound bite this.
Her theory on it's more energy.
One of the guys we had, we had a complete and total skeptic.
Talk and my husband being the pilot.
We'll we'll debunk that right now, I wanna know.
And so he we actually held the airport radio right beside the ghost box, and nothing ever lined up.
Husband's complete skeptic, but he's.
Like I just gotta debunk this and someone.
Like we have the ability, let's do it.
I love that this is like a museum story because.
Does it not remind you of, like night in the museum?
Yeah, that's instantly what I.
Because, you know, this is something I've always been curious about.
These people in either like a tragic way or a really.
Yeah, definitely not a coincidence or it doesn't seem like one at all.
It definitely felt more like a warning.
And obviously I love that this is like an aviation museum since I work in aerospace now it's.
Kind of cool to hear about those sorts of stories and people connected to that piece of our history.
And also like this little aviation museum.
They had such a rich history there.
Remember when we were in college and I did the story on the airplane hangar?
Because think about those first few people who thought that was.
Funny, because I actually watched a movie on Netflix and it had Leonardo DiCaprio.
It might have been called aviation.
And like so, trusting in your own abilities too.
I mean it, it really just blows my mind and it could be because I'm terrified of.
Log book and they found Amelia Earhart's signature in it that she had visited that Hanger and.
Isn't it like, right before she?
I always thought that was so cool.
So I loved that story, even though I got to be on it, I really.
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