The Unrest Podcast

Real Life Haunt Jennifer

Madeleine Green, Kaitlin Stansell

In this captivating podcast episode, we delve into the extraordinary world of a gifted medium who possesses a unique ability to communicate with the spirit realm and connect with divine guides.

Join us as we uncover her intriguing journey and hear firsthand accounts of the incredible experiences she has shared with her clients.

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Real Life Haunt: Jennifer


00:00:04 Speaker 1

The unrest, the unrest, the Unrest Podcast, podcast, podcast.

00:00:17 Speaker 3

Welcome to the Unrest podcast.

00:00:19 Speaker 3

I'm Madeline green.

00:00:21 Speaker 2

And I'm Caitlin stansel.

00:00:23 Speaker 2

Go ahead, hit subscribe, because you do not want to miss all of our real life haunts as soon as they post.

00:00:29 Speaker 2

Have you been in an antique shop lately?

00:00:33 Speaker 2

I had to say that slowly, cause it's kind of a tongue twister, but have you been in one lately?

00:00:38 Speaker 3

Yes, we have a really cool one, not too far from here.

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It's like a big antique.

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Mall and I love to go.

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Literally spend hours walking through and wishing.

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I could buy all the antiques for my non house that I live in.

00:00:55 Speaker 2

I went to 1:00 today.

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And I was just thinking about how, like in antique shops.

00:01:04 Speaker 2

There are some really cool things, you know and you're like, oh, like, I love that this is vintage key and and cool.

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But then there's like the kind of sketchy vintage.

00:01:13 Speaker 2

Stuff like little.

00:01:14 Speaker 2

Dolls and things.

00:01:16 Speaker 2

But I'm like, I don't.

00:01:17 Speaker 2

Even want to touch?

00:01:17 Speaker 2

It and.

00:01:19 Speaker 2

Like be connected to it, yeah.

00:01:19 Speaker 3

It's something.

00:01:20 Speaker 3

Follow you home?

00:01:22 Speaker 3

It's funny because every time I go to one of those places.

00:01:27 Speaker 3

I'm really going to find some sort of like.

00:01:30 Speaker 3

Yeah, like vintage clothing.

00:01:33 Speaker 3

And every time I'll buy, like this old military jacket or old, just something old that I can wear that I'm never gonna wear.

00:01:42 Speaker 3

But I just have it hanging in my.

00:01:44 Speaker 3

I've literally gone to the same antique shop and bought like 4 military jackets.

00:01:49 Speaker 3

Don't even wear them.

00:01:51 Speaker 3

I'm just kind of obsessed with it.

00:01:53 Speaker 3

So hopefully the soldiers haven't.

00:01:55 Speaker 3

Fallen me home in the jackets.

00:01:58 Speaker 2

Well, this one I went to also had this weird booth where they were taking like so they had some jars that had little animals and like the liquids, you know I'm talking about, I don't know what that's called, but so that was like a little creepy.

00:02:12 Speaker 2

But I was like, OK, I get it like.

00:02:15 Speaker 2

You know, some people are into that.

00:02:17 Speaker 2

But then I like turned the corner and they had these.


I don't even.

00:02:22 Speaker 2

Know how to describe it?

00:02:23 Speaker 2

It was like a doll head on an octopus body and it had like, blood coming out of its head.

00:02:28 Speaker 2

And then there was this other one that was like.

00:02:30 Speaker 2

Like a hand with an eyeball in it, like.

00:02:33 Speaker 2

It was all this really weird, creepy stuff and I.

00:02:35 Speaker 2

Was like, OK, time to leave.

00:02:37 Speaker 3

Yeah, whoever owned that Booth needs mental help.

00:02:42 Speaker 3

I was just like.

00:02:43 Speaker 2

Who is buying this or?

00:02:46 Speaker 2

Creating it, it's very interesting.

00:02:47 Speaker 3

Yeah, definitely love antiques.

00:02:51 Speaker 3

Keep the history going.

00:02:52 Speaker 3

Why not use?

00:02:54 Speaker 3

The forks that were used 15,000,000 times.

00:02:58 Speaker 2

My my peoples mouth.

00:03:00 Speaker 2

So you don't know.

00:03:02 Speaker 3

Do it. I believe in it and I 100% stand by it.

00:03:08 Speaker 3

So this week's real life Hunt is Jennifer, and she shares with us a little bit about her special abilities as a psychic medium.

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She has a great business called Metaphysical Round Table and she does a lot of work in the psychic.

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Realm and she.

00:03:23 Speaker 3

Shares with us some really cool stories about some of her clients, so take a listen.

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I used to have like really weird dreams when I was little.

00:03:37 Speaker 4

I when my great grandmother passed away, I I woke.

00:03:43 Speaker 4

Up in the middle of the night.

00:03:45 Speaker 4

Because I thought she was at the.

00:03:47 Speaker 4

Foot of my.

00:03:47 Speaker 4

Bed and it was.

00:03:52 Speaker 4

She was actually it, I don't know for sure if that's when she was transitioning, but.

00:03:59 Speaker 4

I woke up.

00:03:59 Speaker 4

In the middle of.

00:04:00 Speaker 4

The night and I thought she was at.

00:04:01 Speaker 4

The end of my bed.

00:04:03 Speaker 4

And then I.

00:04:03 Speaker 4

Just heard somebody tell me to go back to sleep.

00:04:06 Speaker 4

And so I did.

00:04:07 Speaker 4

I was, you know, a kid and.

00:04:13 Speaker 4

You know, there was always things.

00:04:15 Speaker 4

That I would dream about, I would dream about like I.

00:04:17 Speaker 4

Dreamed about my.

00:04:18 Speaker 4

Dad in the fire and how he was just throwing things.

00:04:22 Speaker 4

Out of our.

00:04:23 Speaker 4

House and but I couldn't.

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Figure it out because it looked like our house, but it wasn't well years later, in 1995, my grandparents house burned.

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To the ground.

00:04:34 Speaker 4

It was a very old.

00:04:36 Speaker 4

It was an.

00:04:37 Speaker 4

Old farmhouse and they had renovated it in the 60s and then it was made out of yellow pine.

00:04:43 Speaker 4

You know, South and it it burned.

00:04:46 Speaker 4

And my dad lives like, but it's a a farm community.

00:04:51 Speaker 4

My dad lives very close and he was there with my grandparents and he was just chucking.

00:04:56 Speaker 4

And they told me he was just checking things out of the house.

00:05:01 Speaker 4

He and my grandfather and.

00:05:04 Speaker 4

They were just throwing things out before the roof collapsed and.

00:05:09 Speaker 4

And I kept telling them that when I was a kid and they were just like, no, just whatever.

00:05:16 Speaker 4

So I I don't really know.

00:05:19 Speaker 4

But I was also kind of the troublemaker, you.

00:05:23 Speaker 4

Know of my?

00:05:25 Speaker 4

With my me and my.

00:05:26 Speaker 4

Brother and my cousins, I was the.

00:05:28 Speaker 4

One that you know.

00:05:30 Speaker 4

Consistently got us into trouble for whatever because I thought things would be a good idea so.

00:05:36 Speaker 4

I I met a lady in the mid 90s and I guess, yeah, it was like 9495 and she was like, well, you need to get a deck of cards.

00:05:48 Speaker 4

So I started like with my first deck of cards then and it freaked my mom out because she thought I was like.

00:05:57 Speaker 4

I mean, again, her dad was a Baptist minister, so she was just like, OK, that's creepy.

00:06:04 Speaker 4

What are you doing?

00:06:05 Speaker 4

It's demonic, so I just hid it for a really long time.

00:06:09 Speaker 4

And then.

00:06:10 Speaker 4

In 2002, I moved to Colorado.

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And I didn't know anybody out there and I was there for probably 2 weeks and I found a metaphysical conference and then a metaphysical store.

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And I started like taking classes and spending time there and I had already, like, I've taken a couple of classes here in Georgia and just not said anything about it.

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And been in Colorado, I was a bit more free.

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And so I had this mentor that I worked with for a long time and she was like, you need you need to be reading for people.

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And I was like, yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen.

00:06:53 Speaker 4

And so she kept working with me and working with me.

00:06:56 Speaker 4

And then.

00:06:57 Speaker 4

A couple of years later, she called me and.

00:07:00 Speaker 4

This is this is how.

00:07:01 Speaker 4

Old I am. She left.

00:07:03 Speaker 4

A message on my answering machine and she was like, hey, I signed you up for a psychic fair on Saturday.

00:07:11 Speaker 4

Make sure you show up with your cards and a covering for your table and crystals or whatever else you want on your table.

00:07:20 Speaker 4

Be there by 9:00.

00:07:22 Speaker 4

It starts at 10.

00:07:23 Speaker 4

Good luck.

00:07:25 Speaker 4

So I do like a lot of different things on my channel and for my clients, I do all of it.

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Merely do medium.

00:07:32 Speaker 4

Ship, but I start with their their charts and their numerology because it helps me tap into who they are, which helps me to connect with like their guides, who are mostly ancestors.

00:07:50 Speaker 4

And you got to say I'm a really lazy.

00:07:52 Speaker 4

I think so.

00:07:53 Speaker 4

We have a lot of guides around us all the time, but connect with like the first one that comes.

00:08:01 Speaker 4

Usually it's the oldest one, too.

00:08:03 Speaker 4

It's the oldest guy.

00:08:04 Speaker 4

That's the one that's been.

00:08:05 Speaker 4

With us since we were.

00:08:06 Speaker 4

Born and as we sort of grow and evolve we, you know we get we open ourselves up to more guides.

00:08:15 Speaker 4

So I don't.

00:08:15 Speaker 4

I don't know how many people are aware of that, but we do have a lot of guides and it's so it's just always fascinating for me to see, to be honest with you, this stuff used to scare the crap out of me.

00:08:30 Speaker 4

I mean it really.

00:08:31 Speaker 4

Did for a long time and.

00:08:35 Speaker 4

I made a deal with my guides and angels.

00:08:38 Speaker 4

I was like, look, I only want to see.

00:08:41 Speaker 4

Yeah, I only wanna see like entities or guides or angels if they're attached to someone, then I'm doing a reading for like, I don't want to walk down the street and see somebody that's, like, crossed over and just like, I guess, like, that's I don't want to see that.

00:08:56 Speaker 4

I I'm an I'm an older mom because I had my children in my 40s.

00:09:02 Speaker 4

I I was pregnant.

00:09:04 Speaker 4

And when you're pregnant, you can't shut anything off like you were so out of control of everything.

00:09:12 Speaker 4

Like what you eat when you sleep and you're really, really out of control of like.

00:09:17 Speaker 4

Shutting off like that.

00:09:19 Speaker 4

That extra sensory.

00:09:22 Speaker 4

I mean, you're you can't.

00:09:24 Speaker 4

And that's, I think it starts with that mother's intuition.

00:09:27 Speaker 4

So you can't shut that off.

00:09:30 Speaker 4

And I started being able to see really well then and before then, I was always just clear audience and I was fine with that.

00:09:38 Speaker 4

I was like, I can hear them.

00:09:39 Speaker 4

I don't need to see.

00:09:40 Speaker 4

I'm good.

00:09:41 Speaker 4

I don't.

00:09:42 Speaker 4

Need to see them?

00:09:42 Speaker 4

We're OK.

00:09:44 Speaker 4

You know they can just stay on their side and just.

00:09:46 Speaker 4

Talk to me like they're on the phone.

00:09:48 Speaker 4


00:09:49 Speaker 4

With that, you know and.

00:09:52 Speaker 4

So then I.

00:09:53 Speaker 4

I started being able to see really well and I thought, OK, it's gonna go away after I have my son.

00:10:01 Speaker 4

And it did not.

00:10:03 Speaker 4

It amplified.

00:10:05 Speaker 4

And I was like.

00:10:08 Speaker 3

I don't.

00:10:09 Speaker 4

About this like I don't, I don't really care about that.

00:10:12 Speaker 4

One of my cousins loves to go on Ghost Tours and ghost hunts, but I'll go with her now because I can kind of like tune it out or shut it down.

00:10:25 Speaker 4

But this place that I used to work I.

00:10:29 Speaker 4

There was like.

00:10:30 Speaker 4

The offices were upstairs and the store was downstairs and I came downstairs and I was.

00:10:35 Speaker 4

Talking to the.

00:10:35 Speaker 4

Receptionist and I was.

00:10:36 Speaker 4

Like, are those people going to come in?

00:10:40 Speaker 4

And she was like I said, what are?

00:10:42 Speaker 4

They waiting on?

00:10:44 Speaker 4

And she looked at me and she said.

00:10:45 Speaker 4

What people and?

00:10:46 Speaker 4

I saw like three or four people milling around.

00:10:50 Speaker 4

Outside on the.

00:10:52 Speaker 4

And I was like, you don't see anybody out there.

00:10:55 Speaker 4

She's like, no.

00:10:55 Speaker 4

And I was.

00:10:56 Speaker 4

Like, OK, I'm just.

00:10:58 Speaker 4

I'm just gonna.

00:10:58 Speaker 4

Go sit in the office.

00:11:00 Speaker 4

I'm not coming.

00:11:01 Speaker 4

Back out.

00:11:02 Speaker 4

And that's when I knew like it was right after I had my son.

00:11:06 Speaker 4

And I was like, that's when I knew it wasn't going away.

00:11:08 Speaker 4

It was just there then.

00:11:11 Speaker 4

And and I have gone on a ghost, a ghost tour with my cousin once, and I did.

00:11:17 Speaker 4

It was really weird.

00:11:18 Speaker 4

It was in Savannah and I saw someone.

00:11:22 Speaker 4

And I whipped out my phone and I started recording because I thought it's not going to.

00:11:27 Speaker 4

Show up and I.

00:11:28 Speaker 4

Looked at my phone and there was this.

00:11:30 Speaker 4

There was a light like all over, like all over the phone, and I wasn't moving it.

00:11:36 Speaker 4

I was just holding it.

00:11:38 Speaker 4

And I asked the man, like the person goes to whatever.

00:11:43 Speaker 4

And it was there I was like, did you do that?

00:11:45 Speaker 4

And he said, why would I do something?

00:11:47 Speaker 4

Like that to.

00:11:48 Speaker 4

You and I was like, so if I if I take another video, will it do the same thing and he goes?

00:11:54 Speaker 4

Maybe why don't you try?

00:11:56 Speaker 4

It so I did it again and two dots showed up and I was like, who's your friend?

00:12:01 Speaker 4

And then he started laughing.

00:12:02 Speaker 4

And so it's interesting to me that like ghosts, I don't like.

00:12:07 Speaker 4

To refer to.

00:12:07 Speaker 4

Them as ghosts.

00:12:08 Speaker 4

Spirits, I guess is a better way because.

00:12:10 Speaker 4

They're not guides or someone I'm reading for.

00:12:13 Speaker 4

They just have.

00:12:14 Speaker 4

A sense of humor.

00:12:15 Speaker 4

Or they just like to screw.

00:12:16 Speaker 4

Around with you a little bit.

00:12:18 Speaker 4

And I see that sometimes on like ghost when they're doing hauntings and stuff and it makes me laugh cause it's scary, but it kind of makes me laugh because I'm like, I'm watching them around.

00:12:30 Speaker 4

With the screen.

00:12:32 Speaker 4

And some of them are angry.

00:12:33 Speaker 4

I'm not disputing that.

00:12:35 Speaker 4

I I've I've seen that too.

00:12:37 Speaker 4

And that's where I won't even go into the building.

00:12:40 Speaker 4

I'm like, no, I'm.

00:12:41 Speaker 4

Good, you know, but when they're just playing and they're just like, I'm gonna do this watch.

00:12:48 Speaker 4

I did work with the lady that she loves.

00:12:51 Speaker 4

To do like investigations like haunting investigations and stuff and.

00:12:56 Speaker 4

I never have.

00:12:58 Speaker 4

And I went on investigations primarily just because she wanted to.

00:13:03 Speaker 4

I didn't.

00:13:04 Speaker 4

It wasn't something I liked, but it was.

00:13:07 Speaker 4

So it was so exhausting and I always had to have cookies afterwards, which is not.

00:13:13 Speaker 4

Good for my weight, I mean.

00:13:16 Speaker 4

But it helps ground me.

00:13:18 Speaker 4

Because it's just so it's so much energy and it's so much coming in.

00:13:25 Speaker 4

One of my clients I I've I've.

00:13:29 Speaker 4

Been reading for her.

00:13:30 Speaker 4

I still.

00:13:30 Speaker 4

Read for her.

00:13:31 Speaker 4

I've been reading for her for like 7 or 8 years.

00:13:36 Speaker 4

I just had my son.

00:13:38 Speaker 4

When I met her and he's about to turn 9.

00:13:43 Speaker 4

And I wasn't pregnant with my second one yet, and I met her and I.

00:13:47 Speaker 4

I've been reading with her, and I kept asking her, like, intermittently over the years.

00:13:53 Speaker 4

I would ask her why.


What is this?

00:13:56 Speaker 4

Trauma like what is this, like scar that I?

00:13:59 Speaker 4

See on you.

00:14:00 Speaker 4

And she's like, I don't know you.

00:14:02 Speaker 4

Know my dad was abusive.

00:14:03 Speaker 4

And I'm like, it's not that and just kind of figure it out, just kind of figure it out well.

00:14:10 Speaker 4

I started reading for her sister.

00:14:13 Speaker 4

Two years ago, her sister goes well, you know, it was just, she said 911 is just always such a hard day for me because we thought she was dead for several hours until she was able to call us.

00:14:26 Speaker 4

And I'm like, I'm sorry.

00:14:29 Speaker 4

What was that?

00:14:30 Speaker 4

And she goes, oh, yeah.

00:14:31 Speaker 4

She was in the twin.

00:14:32 Speaker 4

Towers and I was like.

00:14:34 Speaker 4

Hold on.

00:14:36 Speaker 4

So I I called her.

00:14:39 Speaker 4

I don't call my clients, you know I'm.

00:14:41 Speaker 4

Not going to call them and bug them.

00:14:43 Speaker 4

And I called her and I was like, remember all those times over the?

00:14:47 Speaker 4

Past few years.

00:14:48 Speaker 4

I've been asking you what this trauma is, what this scar?

00:14:51 Speaker 4

Is on you, I said.

00:14:52 Speaker 4

You didn't tell me you were.

00:14:54 Speaker 4

In the twin towers.


And she said.

00:14:57 Speaker 4

You know, I didn't even think about it.

00:15:00 Speaker 4

She said it was such an awful day and I went no ****.

00:15:07 Speaker 4

I said it is imprinted on you and I said you've got to deal with that.

00:15:13 Speaker 4

And I said, I don't.

00:15:15 Speaker 4

I'm not trying to.

00:15:17 Speaker 4

You know, be a therapist.

00:15:19 Speaker 4

And I said.

00:15:21 Speaker 4

But I said because I'm taking counseling courses and I said I'm not trying to be your therapist, but you got to deal with this.

00:15:28 Speaker 4

I said, lady, I've been seeing this on you a long time and I said you didn't think to tell me at any point that this had happened to you and she goes.

00:15:37 Speaker 4

It was such an awful, awful day, she goes.

00:15:41 Speaker 4

I was working in in the building and she said I was dressed to the nines cause the big wigs were supposed to be there that day and she said.

00:15:53 Speaker 4

They started to evacuate us and she said we get back down to the lobby and they tell.

00:15:58 Speaker 4

Us to go back.

00:16:01 Speaker 4

And she said, I called my dad from my cell phone and she said I'm not close to my dad and and.

00:16:10 Speaker 4

Her dad called her she.

00:16:11 Speaker 4

Said I'm not close.

00:16:12 Speaker 4

To my dad and she said he was yelling at me in the phone, telling me to get my asss out of there right then.

00:16:19 Speaker 4

And she said.

00:16:21 Speaker 4

I got up.

00:16:22 Speaker 4

I picked up my purse and started walking out and she said, and about 40 other people in that floor started walking with me and she said by then the elevators were shut down and she said we were walking down the stairs.

00:16:35 Speaker 4

And I was like, I've been in that building.

00:16:38 Speaker 4

I I had actually been there a year to the day before.

00:16:41 Speaker 4

911 hit and I'm afraid of heights, so I wouldn't go over to the windows on windows of the world, which was on the 107th floor of this 110 story building. But my mom and my aunt.

00:16:55 Speaker 4

And and I was like, yeah, I'm good.

00:16:57 Speaker 4

Gonna stay over.

00:16:58 Speaker 4

Here and she was telling me where.

00:17:01 Speaker 4

She was and.

00:17:01 Speaker 4

She walked down like 40 floors.

00:17:04 Speaker 4

And she lost her shoes.

00:17:08 Speaker 4

And somebody was making fun of her saying this people are dying and this woman's out here searching for a shoe store and they didn't know that.

00:17:21 Speaker 4

She had been in the building and lost her shoes.

00:17:25 Speaker 4

And and she was new to New York.

00:17:28 Speaker 4

She had only been in New York 2 weeks.

00:17:31 Speaker 4

She didn't know her way around, she didn't know.

00:17:34 Speaker 4

And so she's just like.

00:17:37 Speaker 4

Like lost and blind, and her mom did not hear from her for like 6 hours.

00:17:44 Speaker 4

And so she was petrified, you know, she had a lot of.

00:17:49 Speaker 4

She had a lot of near misses that day, but I was like your guys were with you and she goes.

00:17:57 Speaker 4

I knew where I was supposed to go, I just didn't know why.

00:17:59 Speaker 4

I knew where to go and I went.

00:18:01 Speaker 4

Yeah, that was a reading that really.

00:18:03 Speaker 4

I mean, I just.

00:18:05 Speaker 4

I sat and cried and cried and cried with her because you feel that energy, you know?

00:18:11 Speaker 4

And I was just like, I wish you had.

00:18:13 Speaker 4

Told me this a long time.

00:18:15 Speaker 4

Ago and she said I didn't see.

00:18:17 Speaker 4

That as my trauma because I lived.

00:18:20 Speaker 4

No, that's that's a hard one, you know.

00:18:23 Speaker 4

And and then the other, the other reading that came through was mine.

00:18:29 Speaker 4

I don't.

00:18:30 Speaker 4

I don't typically read cards for myself and I don't really go to readers.

00:18:36 Speaker 4

I there's a couple of people that I'll go to when I'm stuck and I need advice.

00:18:41 Speaker 4

Typically go to readers unless I'm curious about their.

00:18:44 Speaker 4

Stuff their cards.

00:18:46 Speaker 4

You know and I'm.

00:18:46 Speaker 4

Like ohh what we got here.

00:18:48 Speaker 4

You know it's it's, it's just out of curiosity, you know?



00:18:54 Speaker 4

And so I had gotten really sick and I was in bed and I like, I had a fever and.

00:19:03 Speaker 4

I was just laying in bed and like I can hear my kids playing in the background and I was just sort of in and out like dozing and.

00:19:16 Speaker 4

My guides who I had been largely ignoring, I don't know why I do that though.

00:19:22 Speaker 4

It's like a kid ignoring their parents, you know, and I had been largely ignoring them and they came in and they were.

00:19:28 Speaker 4

Just like so.

00:19:29 Speaker 4

Are you gonna listen to us now?

00:19:32 Speaker 4

And I was like, what's the?

00:19:33 Speaker 4

Problem and they started telling me.

00:19:36 Speaker 4

All this stuff that.

00:19:37 Speaker 4

Was going on in my life that I didn't even.

00:19:39 Speaker 4

Know because I was just.

00:19:42 Speaker 4

I was like, no, no, everything.

00:19:43 Speaker 4

'S fine. Everything's fine.

00:19:45 Speaker 4

And they were.

00:19:46 Speaker 4

No, it's not you.

00:19:48 Speaker 4

You need to pay.

00:19:49 Speaker 4

Attention, you need to do this you.

00:19:51 Speaker 4

Need to do this.

00:19:53 Speaker 4

I did a really quick about face and that was hard.

00:19:58 Speaker 4

It was really hard.

00:19:59 Speaker 4

It was a lot harder than I expected it to be, but it did a really quick about face and it it was scary and it was hard and but I think it's paying off.

00:20:09 Speaker 4

I think I did it the right way this time.

00:20:13 Speaker 4

And so that that's one that I sort of.

00:20:17 Speaker 4

Go back in my head.

00:20:19 Speaker 4

You know, over and over.

00:20:21 Speaker 4

But so it's just I.

00:20:24 Speaker 4

I've definitely had some interesting.

00:20:27 Speaker 4

I've definitely had some interesting readings where people, you know, they try to lie to you, or they try to like trick the trick.

00:20:35 Speaker 4

The psychic, you know, test the psychic.

00:20:38 Speaker 4

I don't care.

00:20:38 Speaker 4

It's your money.

00:20:39 Speaker 4

Don't what do you want me.

00:20:41 Speaker 4

To do do you test?

00:20:42 Speaker 4

Dockers like is this what you do and?

00:20:45 Speaker 4

Because I'll just.

00:20:47 Speaker 4

Say well, your God says you're lying, so.

00:20:49 Speaker 4

I don't know what.

00:20:50 Speaker 4

To do here, if you don't.

00:20:51 Speaker 4

Want to admit to me what's going on?

00:20:54 Speaker 4

I'll just read the cards and ignore your.

00:20:56 Speaker 4

Guides and people have and I I didn't know people could do this either.

00:21:02 Speaker 4

They can fire their guides and send them.

00:21:05 Speaker 4

They've done that to me a couple of times and I'm like, you're kind of crippling me here.

00:21:11 Speaker 4

I don't know what.

00:21:11 Speaker 4

To say to you I can just be really.

00:21:14 Speaker 4

Technical and look at the cards.

00:21:16 Speaker 4

And tell you what the cards.

00:21:17 Speaker 4

Say, but without your guides I'm kind of.

00:21:20 Speaker 4

Crippled and they're like.

00:21:23 Speaker 4

Oh, I'm like, yeah, you're going to have to go.

00:21:25 Speaker 4

You're going to have to get right with.

00:21:27 Speaker 4

Your creator and bring them.

00:21:28 Speaker 4

Back because I can't do that.

00:21:34 Speaker 2

This whole story about this survivor from 911, I mean that one really like hit me hard that and I think that you see that a lot with people that go through these really tragic, traumatic situations that have this so-called survivors guilt. And it really does have an impact on.

00:21:53 Speaker 2

People's lives.

00:21:55 Speaker 3

And you know, for the people that do survive, they feel like, you know, I don't have this trauma because I was one of the ones that survived when really you have the trauma because you were the one you were one of the ones who survived, you know?

00:22:08 Speaker 3

What I mean?

00:22:09 Speaker 3

Yeah, it's just really neat to see.

00:22:12 Speaker 3

There are a lot of good things that can come from psychics and mediums, and you know, helping people get through things that they don't really understand where even an issue, you know.

00:22:24 Speaker 2

And I can just imagine how you're always thinking like, what if I had just done one thing differently that day?

00:22:33 Speaker 2

The outcome might have been totally different.

00:22:36 Speaker 3

Right. I mean, I can remember on 9/11 I went to a Christian School and the seniors were in New York and they were supposed to go to the World Trade Center that day.

00:22:46 Speaker 3

But something happened and they didn't end up going and it was just.

00:22:50 Speaker 3

Like our whole school.

00:22:51 Speaker 3

Shut down and we had to go home.

00:22:53 Speaker 3

Needless to say, my brother left me there and my mom never came to pick me up and that has.

00:22:58 Speaker 3

Left traumatic dramatic.

00:23:02 Speaker 3

Strain on my heart.

00:23:03 Speaker 3

But it was really crazy because in that situation too, like one thing could have changed and our whole senior class could have died there.

00:23:11 Speaker 2

And there's so many stories like.

00:23:13 Speaker 2

That which I mean.

00:23:15 Speaker 2

I have like a weird.

00:23:16 Speaker 2

Sort of like how Madeline is obsessed with Titanic.

00:23:19 Speaker 2

Like every 911, I get stuck watching all those documentaries, about 911 and I like, can't not watch them even if I've already seen them. Because it happened when we were pretty young. Like I think I was in 6th grade.

00:23:33 Speaker 2

And I didn't even know what the World Trade Center was.

00:23:35 Speaker 2

At that time, I had.

00:23:36 Speaker 3

No idea either.

00:23:38 Speaker 2

But to like live it not there.

00:23:41 Speaker 2

It's like you almost have to watch the.

00:23:43 Speaker 2

Documentaries to fully.

00:23:45 Speaker 2

Understand what happened?

00:23:47 Speaker 2

I don't know.

00:23:47 Speaker 2

I think that's one reason why I have this, like, sort of curiosity.

00:23:50 Speaker 2

About it.

00:23:51 Speaker 3

Great story as always, we love for you guys to share your stories with us. If you have one that you would like to share with us on the unrest podcast, send us an e-mail at the or you can reach out to us on Facebook, Instagram, even on TikTok.

00:24:10 Speaker 2

Where we like to post.

00:24:12 Speaker 2

As well and also find people who have fun, spooky stories.

00:24:17 Speaker 2

But until next time.

00:24:19 Speaker 2

Unrest in peace.





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