The Unrest Podcast

Real Life Haunt: Andrew

Madeleine Green, Kaitlin Stansell

Welcome back to The Unrest Podcast just in time for Spooky Season!

In this episode, we'll send chills down your spine with two real-life haunts. One story reveals a grandfather's heartwarming return to watch over his family, while the second, shared by Andrew, delves into living in a historical haunted house, leading him to a career as a paranormal investigator. Join us for a spooky start to the season, and don't forget to subscribe for more eerie tales!

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Real Life Haunt: Andrew


00:00:04 Speaker 1

The unrest, the unrest, the Unrest Podcast, Podcast, podcast, podcast.

00:00:17 Speaker 2

Welcome back to the Unrest podcast. I'm Caitlin stansell. And I'm Madeline green. If you haven't already subscribed to the Unrest podcast, make sure you do so wherever you listen to podcast to stay up to date on all of our real life haunts.

00:00:33 Speaker 2

So this week we have two real life haunts. One was sent in anonymously in an e-mail and it's a really great Happy Ghost story, and the other was a really great interview that Caitlin got for.

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Us. So we'll start.

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With the happy one. Take a listen.

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My Papa was a Vietnam veteran and suffered from severe PTSD. Lots of things could cause a flashback from a pot dropping on the floor, a car backfiring in a parking lot, or a helicopter flying over.

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He was also exposed to Agent Orange and battled cancer for as long as I can remember. When he died, he only had half of a lung on each side and was still fighting cancer in other areas of his body. He took a lot of medication multiple times a day, but he was still a wonderful grandfather. He made sure I understood my worth not just as a girl but as a human.

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He also made sure that I knew how to defend myself, and once he got too sick to leave the house much, he bought a video camera so that I could record all of my performances, softball games and school ceremonies so that he could still see.

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At all. Obviously, the two of us were extremely close, but by 5 I knew what to do when he was having a flashback and what medicine to give him and win. We were close enough that 90% of the time I was the only one who could bring him back to the present during a flashback. Other family members used to yell and tell my Mama to keep me away from him.

00:02:00 Speaker 2

During these episodes.

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But she'd always tell them to hush, and that he wasn't going to hurt me, and he never did.

00:02:06 Speaker 2

Another favorite thing of my papaws were white Bulldogs. He absolutely adored them, and they were always named Fred, even when he had three of them at once. They were all Fred. It became a running joke in the family with my uncles no longer calling him Dad, but instead Fred and he often returned the favor at family gatherings.

00:02:26 Speaker 2

Once everyone had arrived, all you'd hear for a few minutes was. Hi, Fred. How's it going? Fred? Where are the kids? Fred, I wasn't talking to you, Fred. I was talking to Fred as kids that used to crack my cousins and I up and for other reasons, you could see the women roll their eyes and walk away grumbling. This is important to the ghost part of my story.

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My Papa passed when I was 18. My mom and I were at a horrible time in our relationship and she refused to let me go to the VA hospital to tell him.

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Good bye. We all knew he was dying and he knew it too. The day he died, I was in my room destroying everything because my mom refused to let me go. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and when I turned, my Papa was standing there.

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Smiling healthier than I'd ever seen him.

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He smiled wider and said. Did you think I'd leave without saying good bye? And then I heard the phone ring and I knew it was my Mamma calling to say he was gone.

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Forward nine years and my son had just turned 2 and was playing with some toys in his room. I could hear him talking, but it was more like a conversation, not just playing. I went in and saw him laughing and asked him who he was talking to.

00:03:35 Speaker 2

At first, all he would say was friend, but after a minute or two of pushing, he finally looked at me and said Fred. At this point he'd refused to even look at Big Hero 6. I froze because while I'd seen my Papa many times over the years, I'd never really talked to him with my son, and we certainly didn't have any friends with that name.

00:03:55 Speaker 2

I asked him what Fred looked like and he held up one of his army guy toys and said like this but old. I didn't say anything else. I was emotional but mostly happy that my son got to meet my Papa over the next week. He continued to play with Fred. I asked once why I couldn't see him and my son said for me only.

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That night I took a picture of my grandparents out of the back of my wallet and laid it on the table. The next day, while my son was eating breakfast, he spotted the picture and snatched it up, yelling Fred, he did eventually stop playing with Fred and never said anything about it. 3 1/2 years later, we had my daughter and my son mentioned Fred a couple of times.

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And life continued. When my daughter turned 2, she also began playing with Fred, but she called him.

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Fred, pop, pop. Pop, pop.

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Is what my kids call.

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My dad, she told me one day that he was my pop. Pop. What makes this all even better for me is that three of my cousins. I have way too many cousins. But I'm only really close with some of them now have also talked about their children playing with Fred and we love it because when we started having kids, we all wish that he'd been there to meet them. I still see my Papa in the house from time to time.

00:05:06 Speaker 2

But he mostly just walks around and looks in on my kids and then smiles and leaves. Then a few days later, one of my cousins will message me saying that Fred stopped in for a visit. So now it's our joke that he's just making the rounds, checking in on everyone.

00:05:23 Speaker 2

First of all, this story literally brought it to your to my eyes, and I've lost both of my grandfathers. So and grandmothers now. The other day I was telling my dad about it. I was like, you know, reminiscing on my Papa Junior who was just, like, full of life. Such a great personality. And we were just talking about him.

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At a barrel race and how he would just pull up in his old car and like just park right there and they'd have.

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Snacks and stuff.

00:05:52 Speaker 2

And you'd be walking around and he just, like, rolled.

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Down the window and.

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Be like, hey, you know, so this brought a tear to my eye thinking about how great our grandparents.

00:06:01 Speaker 3

Especially ones like that too. I mean, that story was just so sweet and I love that whole like fried connection. And then the picture like just validating all of it too.

00:06:12 Speaker 3

Too, it's so awesome.

00:06:14 Speaker 2

And I think what's neat about this story is usually it's one kid and one family member, but this one, Fred visited all the cousins and it was like a thing. Like she said, you know, he's just making his Browns checking on the family. And I just.

00:06:26 Speaker 3

Love that so sweet and just, yeah, awesome that they have that connection with.

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And that even they probably, you know, weren't really aware of at the beginning. But we'll look back on so fondly.

00:06:38 Speaker 2

Right. So tell us a little bit about our next real life haunt.

00:06:42 Speaker 3

Ohh this is a good one. This one comes from Andrew who I interviewed and Andrew's actually from upstate South Carolina. Or that's where he currently lives.

00:06:53 Speaker 3

Represent yes. Shout out to the upstate. He's a paranormal investigator and I was very intrigued by that because you have a lot of experiences in that field of work. But he talks about what sort of got him into the paranormal. Take a listen.

00:07:14 Speaker 4

My name is Andrew Lipscomb. I'm 45. I was born in West Virginia, currently moved and now living in South Carolina. The house I lived in was in Belpre. OH, and it it does have some history with, you know, slaves and the Underground Railroad, my parents.

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Not this huge house, probably back in 1992 where where my father worked was.

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At a chemical plant.

00:07:40 Speaker 4

And it was actually the house was on the chemical plants property. So the deal was if you bought the house, you had to get it moved. And then.

00:07:47 Speaker 4

The company helped pay.

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For it and all that. So we did, my father hired a company that, you know, came in and started doing the excavation under the house.

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Getting it ready.

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And and stuff like that. What was interesting.

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About the house.

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Was that the IT had a separate foundation underneath of it. Workers actually had to dig down further than what they thought under that foundation was just these huge limestones. But the way the limestones were set up looked like little tiny rooms.

00:08:15 Speaker 4

Almost like a a living area, you know, little bedrooms. So that was.

00:08:20 Speaker 4

Kind of interesting.

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When they got the.

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House up on wheels jacked up and all that. You know that the moving company for burns purposes we were taking.

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You know, pictures of the whole process.

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When they started moving.

00:08:31 Speaker 4

The house actually down the road it was.

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Actually incredible to see had to.

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Go, you know, through cornfields.

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And all that some of.

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The pictures that they submitted.

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To us there you could actually.

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See Shadow figures still in the windows while the house was being driven down the road. When we got the House finally sat where it was at in Belpre, you know, just had to go in and set, set it down, get a new foundation and all that poured up started doing renovations.

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Inside the house, the house.

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As well has two fireplaces.

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One's an.

00:08:59 Speaker 4

Actual fireplace with.

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A chimney. The other one is a fake fireplace.

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So my father and I kind of gutted that out while we were gutting that out, we sat. We noticed there's actually a trap door that led from the underneath the house, through the fireplace that went up through the roof that you can go in.

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Through the rooms of the house, at least one you know one wall. It was actually kind of unique to see that. I've never seen that before. So really, you know, lived in that house.

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For years, never thought anything about it.

00:09:24 Speaker 4

Until at at one point it was a three story house, usually about 3:00 AM, we would start to hear would sound like people running up and down the steps. I mean, there was.

00:09:35 Speaker 4

Three, like I say, three floors. So it was 3 flights of stairs. You hear something running up and running down. The more I would think about it, it would be the sound of, like, kids running up and.

00:09:44 Speaker 4

Down stairs is that.

00:09:46 Speaker 4

To get to the top and then it'll be quiet. You hear them kind of run across the ceiling, which is in the what we call the bonus attic room. You hear that running back and forth.

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And running down the stairs.

00:09:56 Speaker 4

Unfortunately, I wish I was able to actually capture it on video or audio or something, but it just was kind of still new to me about parental experience and all that. So I was like, I'm not gonna mess with it.

00:10:08 Speaker 4

I don't know what's going to happen. Let them do their thing. So I couldn't tell if it would be like a residual haunting or nothing like poltergeist wise because nothing was really ever moved or destroyed or displaced. So I'd say might have just been residual just, you know, they're used to running up down those stairs when they were growing up and they were still there. So they still use them.

00:10:29 Speaker 4

Yeah, that's what kind of got me interested in the paranormal. I've been a, you know, paranormal investigator, loving the paranormal stuff, doing everything I can. Since then, I think that's what really sparked my interest.

00:10:39 Speaker 4

Certainly you know that's the only thing we heard. Never saw anything. Few months later, after living in the house, I started noticing, you know, at the corner of my eye what I thought was shadow people or just thinking. My imagination almost like a black mass. Like, you can see the outline of the body, you know, head, shoulders, arms, legs, no facial features. Usually when people talk about.

00:10:59 Speaker 4

Metal people, there's.

00:11:00 Speaker 4

The the man with the hat.

00:11:03 Speaker 4

Has always been brought up in in topics. Basically just, you know, just like I said, a silhouette.

00:11:07 Speaker 4

A figure, but it was.

00:11:08 Speaker 4

Just a black mass almost see through it.

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But not all the way through.

00:11:13 Speaker 4

Didn't really acknowledge it until you know, one day when I was laying in my bed, turned off the TV late at night, the room still had that glow from the TV. One of the old TV's, and as soon as I turned it off, an actual shadow figure walked from one side.

00:11:26 Speaker 4

Of the room in front of the.

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TV in through my closet. So then I started looking.

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At the history of the house, couldn't find much history on it.

00:11:33 Speaker 4

You know, so I just kind of like, well, maybe.

00:11:35 Speaker 4

I was still imagining it. I had a water bed at the time and one night when I was asleep I felt something pushed down real hard on the edge of the water bed, you know, woke me up, looked out the corner of my eye.

00:11:46 Speaker 4

And I actually saw probably.

00:11:49 Speaker 4

11:50 small little I would say figures. I've shadow people, but about you.

00:11:54 Speaker 4

Know 4 feet tall.

00:11:56 Speaker 4

But they're all just kind of like standing there watching me sleep. So that's when it kind of clicked, you know? Well, these have got to be children. Maybe the original house that was there was part of the Underground Railroad because there is ties.

00:12:09 Speaker 4

With the underground.

00:12:10 Speaker 4

Railroad in that area. So it was just really unique to see and experience that after I left and went to college, my younger brother was still living there at the time.

00:12:20 Speaker 4

And he would start asking me if I ever seen a little boy with a red ball. And I said no, he's like, well, I've seen this little red, this little boy with a red ball, usually at night, my brother would catch a.

00:12:32 Speaker 4

Glimpse of him.

00:12:32 Speaker 4

At the corner of his eye, playing with the ball bouncing up down the stairs. So I had to tell him my experiences. And that's when he opened up.

00:12:39 Speaker 4

And told me his experiences.

00:12:41 Speaker 4

He was afraid.

00:12:41 Speaker 4

Say anything we both kind of mentioned it to our father and our father's like. Well, yeah, have.

00:12:47 Speaker 4

You seen the?

00:12:47 Speaker 4

White lady yet?

00:12:48 Speaker 4

So then it was just ohh what?

00:12:50 Speaker 4

What is going on?

00:12:50 Speaker 4

So so after you mentioned the White lady, then it was like I would start seeing her. She would usually be standing in my parents bedroom, kind of in the doorway.

00:13:00 Speaker 4

The way the house was set up, you would go up one flight of stairs.

00:13:04 Speaker 4

To the left was my bedroom. To the right was a hallway kind of opened up to a grand room, and then at the back end of that was my parents bedroom. So walking from my bedroom to the my bathroom, you had to.

00:13:15 Speaker 4

Walk the little across the way and every time I would walk at night and look, she would be standing there. But yeah, my dad has a lot of stories. I have a lot of stories.

00:13:24 Speaker 4

But we sold the house, you know, job location, all that. My dad still owns the house he rents.

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It out, but he's.

00:13:32 Speaker 4

Had problems trying to keep renters in there because they just kind of move out. They said they don't like staying there because of what they're experiencing now. You know, during that time I was open and I kind of told the spirits whatever it was, you know, I won't mess with you. You don't need to mess with me. We can cohabitat.

00:13:48 Speaker 4

And everything was fine.

00:13:50 Speaker 4

We had a lady who would.

00:13:52 Speaker 4

Come once a week to help clean the house because it was such a new house. Both my parents worked. I was away for school. My brother was, you know, in high school she quit within a month because she said every time she would vacuum something, would unplug the vacuum. So she thought maybe it's just, you know, the cord wasn't long enough until she go on the 2nd floor and would feel tubs.

00:14:13 Speaker 4

Her pokes like kind of at the base of.

00:14:15 Speaker 4

Her legs like where a child would be the.

00:14:17 Speaker 4

Height of the child. You know, just kind of poking at her, tugging at her, she.

00:14:20 Speaker 4

So she quit. We hired another cleaning lady. She lasted a couple more months and then kind of quit for.

00:14:25 Speaker 4

The same reasons she's, you know.

00:14:27 Speaker 4

It's it's a nice.

00:14:28 Speaker 4

House. She didn't feel scared or threatened. It was just.

00:14:31 Speaker 4

A little bit too much.

00:14:32 Speaker 4

Because she'd be the only person in the house, cleaning and stuff would happen. So.

00:14:38 Speaker 4

That's yeah, that that's experience I had growing up. You know, I was because my father is 8 hours away. That's a long drive. I do try to plan to whatever I can go back and view the House and hear more stories.

00:14:50 Speaker 4

I know he said some of the.

00:14:51 Speaker 4

Renters will still keep.

00:14:52 Speaker 4

In contact with him and ask him, you know, has anyone else seen the kill at the red ball or has anyone else experienced AB or C? So it's just really unique to to.

00:15:01 Speaker 4

Live with that.

00:15:03 Speaker 4

Another experience I had back in 2011, I worked for a pharmaceutical company.

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And kind of had a incident where I inhaled some.

00:15:15 Speaker 4

Whatever the product was.

00:15:17 Speaker 4

Through cross contamination and I actually suffered a.

00:15:19 Speaker 4

Heart attack from.

00:15:20 Speaker 4

It very scary. So I was in the, you know, rushed to the hospital rush emergency.

00:15:24 Speaker 4

Rush to ICU.

00:15:26 Speaker 4

One night while I was, you know, still kind of in pain, I didn't know I was having a heart attack. I thought it was just like acid reflux, but I remember laying in the ICU, probably about two or three in the morning. That's usually the hour.

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And stuff happens.

00:15:39 Speaker 4

I could hear something actually walk kind of shuffle.

00:15:43 Speaker 4

Into the room I was at and what sounded like someone in slippers and like.

00:15:48 Speaker 4

A Walker. I could hear the shuffling. I couldn't.

00:15:50 Speaker 4

See anything because.

00:15:51 Speaker 4

It was still dark and I was still kind.

00:15:52 Speaker 4

Of doped up.

00:15:53 Speaker 4

On medicine. But I could hear.

00:15:54 Speaker 4

Them walk across the.

00:15:56 Speaker 4

Room. They felt like they stopped at the foot of my bed and then kept walking and sat in the chair that.

00:16:01 Speaker 4

Was in the corner for.

00:16:02 Speaker 4

I don't know how long.


I'm just kind of out of it.

00:16:05 Speaker 4

So it could have been 5 minutes, it could have been an hour, but then I could hear them get up again.

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And walk closer to the edge of the bed where I.

00:16:12 Speaker 4

Playing but at that point I was just like.

00:16:15 Speaker 4

You know what?

00:16:16 Speaker 4

I'm just gonna sleep. I don't need.

00:16:17 Speaker 4

This right now I've already had.

00:16:19 Speaker 4

This, you know, heart issue.

00:16:21 Speaker 4

I don't need anything more, it just kind of, you know, to me, it's been unique experiences. You know, I'm open to the problem. I'm open to communicate and I'm sure that there are spirits who need to tell their story.

00:16:32 Speaker 4

Need help crossing over and.

00:16:34 Speaker 4

So I've always been open to.

00:16:36 Speaker 4

It my wife, not so much.

00:16:38 Speaker 4

You know, she says it's your ghost, you do your.

00:16:40 Speaker 4

Thing my goal.

00:16:41 Speaker 4

Is still. You know that that how I want to believe that that hope that there's something.

00:16:46 Speaker 4

Out there after we pass.

00:16:49 Speaker 4

My mission is always try to be as.

00:16:50 Speaker 4

Helpful as possible.

00:16:52 Speaker 4

As friendly as.

00:16:52 Speaker 4

Possible. Very respectful. You know, we don't know much about the other side, so we I.

00:16:57 Speaker 4

Need to treat you with respect.

00:16:59 Speaker 4

The cool you know, I've I've gotten pictures. The coolest thing was the group I was with. We went down to. I believe it was Savannah, GA for an investigation at the Blue Moon Brewery Company and that's been featured on I know the Travel Channel with a couple of the Ghost Hunter shows because we saw, you know, on the wall where they had written their little message and their signatures.

00:17:20 Speaker 4

So you know, just doing a regular investigation, I didn't catch anything. Photo wise, I did a.

00:17:25 Speaker 4

Lot of EVP recordings.

00:17:27 Speaker 4

And then, you know, later on that night, I.

00:17:29 Speaker 4

Played everything back.

00:17:30 Speaker 4

At a high.

00:17:30 Speaker 4

Volume and you actually captured?

00:17:32 Speaker 4

A lot of interesting responses to questions. The one voice sounded evil, just had a real, just nasty voice to it in my in its response to my questions. And then it was in that same room where as soon as I left that room.

00:17:48 Speaker 4

Another lady that was with us on the team started feeling she was being choked, so she had to immediately leave. So I was like, OK, well, that explains that.

00:17:57 Speaker 4

To me, you'll hear weird noises you might get if you go to a place and try to investigate. If you get pulled or or poked or whatever. To me, that's almost the spirits. At least letting you know that they're there. They might know the best way. It's hard for a ghost to say hey, hi. I'm friendly. My name is, you know, Charles, I'm not here to hurt you.

00:18:16 Speaker 4

You know, it's all about the energy and the atmosphere, you know, take it as as a sign of that they want to reach out, they want.

00:18:21 Speaker 4

To connect they want.

00:18:22 Speaker 4

To communicate, they're just doing their best.

00:18:24 Speaker 4

And they don't know how.

00:18:25 Speaker 4

Because you know.

00:18:26 Speaker 4

To have a a full operation, just show up and try to talk to you. That's going to scare the life out.

00:18:31 Speaker 4

Anybody you know? My dad's family grew up in West Virginia, so we had all those woods. And yes, one of my cousins is one of the ones that made that mountain monster TV shows where they're out hunting Bigfoot. I found out that's one of my cousins. I'm like, well, that explains a lot being out in the woods in that area in.

00:18:47 Speaker 4

West Virginia heard like a.

00:18:49 Speaker 4

Growl that I knew was not an animal.

00:18:51 Speaker 4

That I'm familiar with.

00:18:52 Speaker 4

There's been a couple of times I could feel that I'm being stalked by something.

00:18:56 Speaker 4

But it wasn't like.

00:18:57 Speaker 4

A4 legged animal it was more of like something standing.

00:19:00 Speaker 4


00:19:01 Speaker 4

To me, I didn't think anything about.

00:19:02 Speaker 4

Bigfoot or another hunter in the woods?

00:19:04 Speaker 4

It was just. It was just eerie.

00:19:06 Speaker 4

You know the.

00:19:06 Speaker 4

Whole area was quiet and it had that kind of like what some people say, that it felt real dense like the the air was heavy, just made me feel uncomfortable. So I just kind of respectfully said I'm in your area and I apologize. I'm getting up to leave.

00:19:21 Speaker 4

Doing the the investigations, yes.

00:19:22 Speaker 4

I felt those cold spots that people talk about.

00:19:25 Speaker 4

You know, we see temperature change.

00:19:27 Speaker 4

It is.


So it's just it's.

00:19:29 Speaker 4

Unique and awesome to feel that experience and be able to talk about it to those who you know kind of believe the non believer is like well temperature change weather, air conditioning. I love you know hearing people talk trying to debunk things. The group I was in we debunked a lot of stuff that people see on TV because number.

00:19:46 Speaker 4

One, they need the ratings.

00:19:47 Speaker 4

So they're gonna have to do something to get keep the rating. So you know the team I was with, it was a great team there.

00:19:52 Speaker 4

In Spartanburg, South.

00:19:53 Speaker 4

Carolina. And then we went through like, how to debunk the stuff that they show on TV. You know, how to make the.

00:20:00 Speaker 4

And pee go up. You know how.

00:20:01 Speaker 4

To show a spike in the K2.

00:20:04 Speaker 4

Meter. You know, stuff like that, so.

00:20:06 Speaker 4

Very knowledgeable, which is what.

00:20:07 Speaker 4

I love because it explained to even people who didn't want to join but wanted to come to our meetings and say, hey, this is what we do versus what you see on TV. You know, here's how to debunk some of the stuff you see on TV. If you're in an old house. Old wiring. Yeah, you might get headaches.

00:20:21 Speaker 4

It's not from a.

00:20:22 Speaker 4

Spirit, it could be just from faulty wiring so so you really you need to.

00:20:25 Speaker 4

Do that just kind of.

00:20:26 Speaker 4

You know to share that with people.

00:20:28 Speaker 4

I guess just just believe you know, know that there are things that we cannot explain and not all of them are malevolent and evil, and there are some good ones out there that could be stuck, could be here to help someone to. Maybe they need help sending out a message or telling their story. So always just be open to listen, you know, be someone to listen.

00:20:48 Speaker 4

Turn it down, take recordings, take.

00:20:50 Speaker 4

Pictures Share your story.

00:20:55 Speaker 2

Of course, you know I love history and the fact that it could be related to the Underground Railroad is just really interesting. It reminds me.


Do you remember?

00:21:06 Speaker 2

When libraries were a thing and you could go and like rent stuff at the library.

00:21:11 Speaker 2

People even do that anymore.

00:21:13 Speaker 3

There is still libraries we have one being.

00:21:15 Speaker 3

No, but like somewhere else.

00:21:17 Speaker 2

Still, go and like rent stuff. I don't know. Either way, my mom.

00:21:21 Speaker 3

Was uses it, obviously.

00:21:23 Speaker 2

My mom used to take us and like you could rent Movies Now. I was all about the Nancy Drew movies. I don't know if you remember those, but loved those. Well, there was also this movie that I picked up at the library and it was.

00:21:35 Speaker 2

Called the House of Dies Drear and it was like literally kind of about.

00:21:39 Speaker 3

Why does that sound really fat?

00:21:41 Speaker 2

I'm pretty sure.

00:21:42 Speaker 2

It was a book too. Maybe. Maybe that's.

00:21:44 Speaker 2

But I remember watching it as a kid and it scared the.

00:21:47 Speaker 2

Living **** out.

00:21:48 Speaker 2

Of me, but it's about this family that moves into this house and they hear noises under, like ground. Anyway, it happens that they actually were.

00:21:57 Speaker 3

It was the underground, yeah.

00:21:59 Speaker 2

It was like this.

00:21:59 Speaker 2

Old man was living down there either way. I remember being terrified. And that's what this story kind of reminds me of. It was a really great, great movie. So if you want to watch it go.

00:22:09 Speaker 2

For it, I'd watch.

00:22:11 Speaker 2

It again, but I'd probably be scared. There's some good actors in it, but like, This is why I was scared because this is the man that was living.

00:22:18 Speaker 2

Under it, can you see?

00:22:19 Speaker 3

Him. Ohh geez.

00:22:21 Speaker 2

Like it's summer. I'm watching it and it gets a little creepy. At this point, I'm like wandering the house. Like, where is my mom? And she's not in the house. And so like, now I'm outside. Where is mom? Because this movie is scaring me. But I want to finish.

00:22:34 Speaker 2

The movie, but.

00:22:36 Speaker 2

I love this.

00:22:37 Speaker 3

That this movie is from 1984.

00:22:40 Speaker 3

And this was.

00:22:41 Speaker 3

The one that you chose at the library to watch, not like the new age movie there.

00:22:46 Speaker 3

Like this part is like. That's just me, yes.

00:22:50 Speaker 2

I've been destined to.


Beyond that podcast.

00:22:52 Speaker 3

Be a weirdo.

00:22:54 Speaker 2

Knowing that because like.

00:22:56 Speaker 2

I think of even as a little tiny kid I had. I loved the Berenstain Bears books, but my favorite of them was when they went trick or treating. Not Christmas, not Thanksgiving. They went trick or treating. I mean, same thing with like any TV shows. My favorite was the Halloween episodes.

00:23:13 Speaker 2

It's just Destin.

00:23:15 Speaker 3

And here we are today. Well, thank you so much for listening. If you have a story you'd like to share with us, hey, you can e-mail us at the or.

00:23:27 Speaker 2

Check us out on.

00:23:28 Speaker 2

Facebook, TikTok, Instagram. We're still looking for those thousand Instagram followers. It's like pulling teeth and you guys follow us there.

00:23:36 Speaker 3

You can still win the prize.


I mean, I've spent the one.

00:23:41 Speaker 2

Gift card already, but we will buy you another gift card.

00:23:44 Speaker 2

But until next time.

00:23:46 Speaker 3

Unrest in peace.





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