The Unrest Podcast

Real Life Haunt: Jessica

Madeleine Green, Kaitlin Stansell

In this episode of The Unrest Podcast, your host Madeleine Green takes the reins, guiding us through a tapestry of eerie tales that will leave you with goosebumps. This week's special guest, Jessica, shares her extraordinary and, at times, haunting experiences with the supernatural.

The episode kicks off with a heartfelt trigger warning, as Jessica delves into the unsettling realm of loss, recounting a story that unfolded after the unimaginable tragedy of losing a child. 

As the conversation unfolds, Jessica takes us on a journey through the years, sharing a series of spine-tingling encounters her daughter has had with the paranormal. From unexplained phenomena to inexplicable coincidences, the tales serve as a stark reminder that there are forces beyond our understanding.

So, grab your headphones, dim the lights, and join Madeleine Green as she weaves together these unsettling and captivating tales on this week's episode of The Unrest Podcast.

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Real Life Haunt: Jessica


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The unrest, the unrest, the Unrest Podcast, podcast, podcast.

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Welcome to the Unrest podcast. I'm Madeline green. My girl Caitlin is covered up with work for a few weeks and I have no life, so it will just be me for a few episodes. But I promise to continue to bring you guys the most amazing real life.

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Comments. Make sure if you haven't already subscribed to the Unrest podcast that you do so we would love that. And guess what? Thanksgiving is this Thursday, so I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all. You'll never know how much it means to have so many amazing followers who love spooky stories just as much as we do. So just know we are so thankful for each and every one of you.

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Listening right now just going to jump right into this week's real life Hunt, Jessica shares some very interesting stories about experiences she's had over the.

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Years, starting with an experience she had after the loss of a child.

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So this is.

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A trigger warning for anyone. The first story that she does share involves the loss of a child. Take a listen.

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So my name is Jessica. I saw my very first ghost going to sound crazy, but I saw my very first ghost when I was seven years old. Going down the road and there was this woman just standing in the.

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On the road, I thought my mom was gonna run her over because I thought she was a real live woman, and so I yelled at my mom was like momma, watch out, you know. And when I turned around to look in the review glass, she was gone. Like there's nobody there at all.

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And that really kind of just sparked my interest and everything. So, you know, I'm 29 now.

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And I'm super super interested in all the history.

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Everything that leads to that stuff tapping into, you know, because I I do believe that there are things afterwards. Like, you know, once we kick the bucket. But I want to know what you know. And I've I've been lucky enough to see, you know, some of that. It's just fascinating to me. So when I was 19 years old, I became pregnant. I was a single mom.

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And I was working. I was doing all the things I was, you know how to make money. Right. And so I wanted to labor about a month.

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Before, I was supposed.

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To and my daughter and I, we started having complete.

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Nations, when I started laboring, Long story short, they wound up taking her for an emergency C-section because things just got real hairy, real fast. And when she came out, maybe about 30 minutes after she was born, she went into cardiac arrest. They worked on her for about 45 minutes. They were able to get her heart back.

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Beating, but they weren't able to.

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Bring her back completely 3.

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Days later, I took her.

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Off of life support because.

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She was just deteriorating very, very quickly. I had an emergency C-section and with with the C-section, you can't really like sit up on your own. You can't roll over on your own like it's just.

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Really it's just rough. Like they cut you down.

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There in half.

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So Funeral Home came and picked her up and everything. That whole entire situation was an absolute nightmare, but Fast forward to me getting home and this.

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Was like maybe.

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Four days after she was born came home.

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And my mom, bless her heart God, love her. She's slept in my bed with me for like, a week after she'd been born. But you know, right? Around a week's time, she was like, I can't. I can't keep sleeping in that view. You're a grown woman.

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And so she started sleeping in her bedroom. I had gotten home from doing, you know, just trying to keep my mind.

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Busy came home, laid down, went to sleep and I was and I wasn't taking any pain medication at that point other than like dying on ibuprofen.

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Wasn't taking any like anxiety medication and depression medication that then?

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I was just like.

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There you know. So I came home and I went to bed and I woke up and my room was like, always the hottest room in the house. I woke up because I was freezing cold.

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And it smelled like absolute roadkill in my bedroom. And so and like, again with the C-section, I couldn't sit straight up. I was just kind of like playing it on my bed. When I opened my eyes up, everything was very.

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Light blue in my.

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Room. It was like a light blue.

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And I was like, OK, what is this? And then I opened my eyes up even more and.

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The smell was like.

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It's just horrendous, like the hottest Rd. kill on the hottest day.

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When I opened my eyes, there was this woman she was floating above me and like you know, when you go underwater, your hair is just kind of like floating all around you. Her hair was floating all around her. And I remember being like, oh, my.

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God, what the?

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Hell, you know what I mean. And I thought it was so.

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Weird, because her whole body was the whole length of my body.

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And she was floating just above me and.

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It was weird to me that her hair was floating, but her dress that she held on was like gravity was pulling it down towards me and she was the ugliest.

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Thing I have ever seen in my life. She had like gnarled teeth. She had spit like all in her mouth. Her fingernails were so, so long and like, almost curled over. She was in her fingernails. I will never forget how dirty her fingernails were, and she smelled just like, so that and I've always been taught, you know, I don't know where you're from, but.

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Come from like the Deep South. So everybody's always said, you know, if you ever see anything that's like just tripping you out, just saying the name of God leaves or you can ask it to tell you what what it wants. And I was like, in the name of God, what do you want you.

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And again, I couldn't move cause my stomach, you know, had been cut. And I was just playing it there. And when she opened her mouth, she never stopped smiling at me. And she said, do you want?

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Your baby and in my mind, I was like y'all want my baby. And then I told her well, yes, I want my baby. And she leaned her hand down to me.

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And I started to pick my hand up. I was the only thing I could move. I started to pick my hand up to go to her hand.

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And then I kid you not, it was like something slammed my.

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Whole entire body.

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Back and was like there's no way that that has your baby. You're crazy if you think that that has your baby. You.

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Know. And so then I squeeze my eyes shut. And I was just like in the name of God leaves in the name of God, leap over and over and over again. And then I kid you not, almost instantly.

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The entire room got warm again. The smell went completely away and that blew like glow that just illuminated my entire bedroom was gone. You know, the only thing that was there was like.

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My glow in.

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The dark clock, and I still couldn't roll over and move or anything, so I had to like inch myself to the bed to sit up so I could drink some.

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There, but there's no way that that wasn't real. That whole, and even now, all these years later, my daughter, she would be 9.

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Now all of these years later, I'm still like it shows me to my core to think about what would have happened if I had touched.

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That things hand spoken with a.

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Lot of other folks that are in the paranormal stuff and.

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All of them. Some of them say that it was a demon. Some of them say that it was sleep deprivation. Some of them say that, you know, there's like illogical things that will lead to two different outcomes. You know, if you have a loved one that passes away. But with my research and with some people that have come help guide me.

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The biggest thing the most like common thing that I have found that pretty much matches like.

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The way that it looked is the old.

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Hag. You know, in the in the research that I've done, it's something that, you know, comes and that sits on top of your chest. She didn't sit on top of me. She was just floating above me. But it's something that comes and sits on top of your chest and you know.

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It's been associated with sleep paralysis.

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But you know, people also believe it's a demon, but I don't. I don't truly know what it was. I just know. I never want to see it again. So after that happened, it was probably I. I went back to work about two weeks after she was born. And so I had. I had been at work all day long and I came home and took a shower.

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And I lay down again to go to sleep and I sleep in the bed completely by myself. Same thing. I woke up because not because there was a smell in the room, but because it was so, so, so cold. And when I woke up.

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My entire bed, and it was a full size bed. My entire bed was surrounded with people like standing all around it, and it was like like the room was just packed with people just standing all around it and the blue like glow was there again. And it was so.

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Not to sound crazy, but it was so like.

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Have you ever been on a super busy bus or like a super busy plane or anything? It's just super, super loud. That's what it sounded like and I closed my eyes immediately because I was afraid that thing was gonna come.

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Back and I.

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Was just like in the name.

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Of God leave, but I couldn't move again. You know, I couldn't move quickly because of the C-section. I just remember, like, opening up my eyes and be like, gotta hope they're gone.

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And I opened them up and they were gone. Thankfully nobody was, you know, surrounding the bed or anything that was pretty scary because I was seriously anticipating that creepy thing coming back and, you know, being over me.

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We moved to that house after my parents divorced and my brother. He was down in the living room.

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One time he was.

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Asleep he woke up because the.

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TV just kept changing channels and he thought like, you know, my mom was, you know, standing in the staircase like changing the channels.

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Or something? He hollered at her.

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To ask her what she was doing.

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And she didn't answer because she was still in the bed. She wasn't changing the channels. And so when he went to get up to go to the staircase to see, you know, if she was at the staircase, he said that.

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He saw something like short and black running like from one side of the living room to the other side of the living room.

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And there was a time, you know, I was checking on him, and I was maybe 11 when this happened. And he had always told me that he felt like there was a little boy they would like live in the house. You know, that would be in the House that I guess was departed, that he. He never said that he saw anything at that point. I poked my head in and there.

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Was like this.

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It had, like red hair, and it had.

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You know just.

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A weird, like almost sadistic smile, and it was wrapped around him. He was laying on a.

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Pallet on the floor watching TV and.

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It was just like.

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Wrapped around him, almost like a cat would be wrapped around like, you know, a warm blanket or something and it had green eyes and like he would tell me too that he had seen that my brother had seen, you know, like a tall man with a black.

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Hat and he would be like as.

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Tall as like the.

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Door frame, you know, and my mom would see him too.

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I I grew up and I moved out.

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And you know.

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Became successful and did all.

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The things now that I've got my own house. It was pouring down rain. It's probably about four or 5:00. It's pouring down rain in the afternoon. And it was raining so hard that like, you know those November rains where it is just pouring down rain and it makes everything outside dark. It was one of those and and my kids, you know. And I was actually researching how to clean.

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Headstones without damaging them, and I had that. I had that on the TV on YouTube while I was deep cleaning my house and.

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My my back door that nobody ever uses, somebody started beating on my back door, so I jumped like 10 feet out of my skin and I went ahead and I went to the back door and it was this little bitty old lady. And she was standing out there in the pouring down rain, you know, and I didn't have a roof on that back porch. And so I I just grabbed her and, you know, pulled her in. And I was like, what are you doing?

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Here, why are you at my back door? And it's.

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Raining and like.

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Where's your people at, you know?

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And she wanted to let me know that she was my neighbor. She wanted to let me know that the package had been delivered to her house.

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And it was.

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You know my package. And so she wanted to bring it over. She's soaking wet, standing in my living room. And I went ahead and opened up the package. She was telling me, you know, the history of the area and everything. And she was saying that it had been rumored that.

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You know, back in the day.

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People would just like still headstones and I guess I don't know if she saw the headstone cleaning thing on my TV or not, but she was saying that, you know, people would still head stones and they would like mine their flower beds with them or they would, you know, whatever makes steps with them. Whatever. I was opening up the package and my grandma had just recently passed away. Right. So I was opening up the package.

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Someone had sent a wind chime in her honor to us. So that's what that was. And the room that she passed away and was in on the.

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Other side of my house.

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I've been at the package and then in that room nothing was in that room as much. She passed away. We just cleared it out and we just didn't really know what to do with the room afterwards. Something fell off of the dresser.

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In that room, and I mean in that room was like all the way on the other side of the house by itself, right, when all this stuff was happening. And she always told me because, like, I'm very particular about.

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You know the cleanliness of my house and things being in their own particular spots and everything. She always told me, you know, when she did kick the bucket, she was.

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Like I'll come back.

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And I'll just throw stuff off of the dressers.

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And it's like, OK, I see you, you know, act like, you know, people that are open to that stuff, they they don't brush it off as much. You know, I do think that I'm I think that everyone is predisposed to be able to like tap into other parts of different realms. Not to sound crazy because I know that does sound.

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Crazy, but I do think that other people are. I think that everyone is capable of that, but I think at some point people start to just kind of suppress that a little bit, whether it's like a parent, tell them that you didn't see that, that didn't happen, you know, or it's society being like you're crazy. You just need to get away from this thought process and go towards something else.

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I think that everybody eventually they either find the niche that they want to be in and they go that way and they're they stay receptive to stuff. And I know in my experience it was always everyone in our family has always been just like, as long as you're not hurting anyone and you're not hurting yourself.

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Go do what makes you happy. And so it was never. I don't ever remember anyone ever telling me or my brother or my mom, or my grandma or anyone else in the family.

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That is capable of.


Or or at.

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Least open minded to things like this, I don't ever remember anyone telling us you can't.

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Or you shouldn't.

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My daughter.

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She is five now and she and it's crazy, you know, cause she doesn't remember it now, but when she was little, she was. I don't know. She's probably about 2-3 years old and she's always been very articulate. She was talking to me about her great grandmother, and she never met her great grandmother. Neither did I. But she wanted the distinct, like features that her great grandmother.

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God was very red hair like she was just known for her fiery red hair, and she climbed up in my life one day and she said, Mama, you know anybody.

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And I said, well, no.

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And she said, well, I.

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Dude, she's got bright red hair and.

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I was.

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Like, really? And she was like she she keeps talking about Paw Paw and Paw Paw is Papa was husband. And I was like, OK. And then I made the connection I was like.

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OK. And she went to get down out of my life, and then she came right back up and she said Mama.

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Hold on. Hold on. And I was like, OK.

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And she said, who is?

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And then she stopped. And I was like.

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Like who's who. And she started to describe her deceased grandfather, my husband's dad, and he and I never met him either. But she was telling me that he had red hair and he was really, really tall. And it was crazy because she said she was like, what are those little round brown things?

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That are like cakes and I was like, I don't know. And she was like, they're like debbies. And like, I don't want my kids eat Debbie cake. She's never heard about that at all. But she said they're like debbies. I was like, a Debbie cake. And she said, yeah, like, a Debbie cake. He loves to eat those.

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And I was like, what the hell? OK, I'm gonna have to pick somebody's bread in the family. Cause I don't know anything about this man. She was like. OK, well, I gotta go. Mom. And I was like, OK, and.

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She ran off.

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To her playroom, and she was still in there, like steadily talking and laughing and like pointing and just doing all the things. And I was like, bro, are you in my house right now?

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And so after she went to bed, I was talking to my husband about it. And I was like.

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What is the correlation between your dad and little Debbie cakes?

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And she was he was.

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Like oh, he loves fudge rounds. He used to eat Debbie cakes all the time, like he would keep, you know, boxes of Debbie cakes with him all the time. And then, you know, if he was working on cars or out fishing or hunting or whatever, that was like the go to snack.

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You know, was the.

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Fudge rounds. I was just like what?

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You know, would you look at that, you know?

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Because that's such a it's.

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Such a personal thing for him that I never would have known, and she obviously definitely would have known.

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She's never even been exposed to Debbie cakes. My my grandma. You know, she passed away in our house, was maybe less than two. She was almost two. We had pictures, you know of my grandma on everything. And there was one day it was after. It was like, right in the middle of 2020, you know? So we were just, like, stuck at home.

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Just like looking through pictures and playing board games and kicking it old school.

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She found a picture of my grandma and she picked it up and she was like, putting her face and everything. And she said that's Nikki. And we never called my grandmother by her first name. You know what I mean? Like her name was Baba. And I said why?

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And you know again.

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Like she's super articulate little kid.

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She said that's Nikki.

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Right there. And I was like, OK, how did you know? And she was like, well, she told me. And she was like, she doesn't look like that anymore, though. And for her to know that that was her name. And nobody like, even now.

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To this day.

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I still call.

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Her Bob. But when I talk about her in.

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Conversation I I.

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Would never address that woman as Nikki, and no one else would. And so for her to just know that it.

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Was just like girl. What?

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My daughter, my oldest daughter. Every year her birthday we go and we'll take one stone and we will put it like it's, you know, just a special pretty stone. We'll put it in a Creek. That's right down the road from our house. There's a playground and it's an old, just a lap. It added playground, right. I mean, like, it's within walking distance of this Creek.

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And so every year.

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After we do that, we always walk up to the playground and we'll swing on the on the swings or we'll slide down the slides. You know, just do whatever, and we'll stop at that playground, you know, pretty regularly, even when it's not her.

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Birthday and and like my my kids know.

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About their older sister.

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But like we don't do, there's no like shrine in the house too, where we don't like, have a birthday cake for her. We don't, you know, do all those things. And I also only talk to them about her if they bring her up to me because they don't ever want them to feel like they have to compete over her memory or anything, there's never any just. I'm never. I don't ever bring her up unless they want to talk about her.

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And even then, you.

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Know it's very like.

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It's normally just me answering their questions and stuff, so we had stopped at the playground at one point.

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And I know it probably sounds crazy, but every time I would get on the swing set. You know, I'm a full grown woman, but.

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I'll get out there.

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And play like the best of them. I'll get on the.

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Swing set every time.

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And that is when I feel the closest to all of my kids is when I'm swinging on that swing, I feel like all of them are right here and like in this forum with me, you know, but I've never told anyone that.

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You know, we were swinging. I was swinging, swinging with my kids, having a good time and.

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Thing and it almost like every time I'm on those particular swings, it almost brings tears to my eyes because I feel like my oldest daughter's presents, along with my other kids presence. So, so, so hard. So we finished up at the playground and everything, and I felt it just like super strong that day. But I didn't say anything when we came home, when we were playing outside.

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My 5 year old.

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She came up to me and she said, mom, do you know what I did today? And I was like, well, I don't know what you do.

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And she said I was playing on the swings with and then she said, you know, my oldest daughters name. And she was like, mom, she loves to.

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Swing and I was like, well what?

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What did you just say?

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And she was like she loves to swing. Mom. She was like, every time I go to the park, she's there. And I had never said anything like that to anybody. Like, that had always been something that I kept inside myself.

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Cause I thought.

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I I was afraid someone would be like well.

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She's crazy, but.

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Home girl over here was just like, yeah, Mom, she loves to swing, you know, and.

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I'll never forget her being so so so.

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Serious about that, you know.

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She was just so.

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Like telling me the sky is blue or the trees are blowing in the wind. It was just like just one more thing that happened in the day.

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I do believe that there are things that are.

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Out of our control.

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You know what I mean? And I do believe. I don't think that anyone should ever play with fire. Like I said, I'm not a religious person, but I do feel like one of the best pieces of thought, pieces of advice, anyone who's ever given me has been. If you are ever in a tight situation like that, like you know you're seeing something that's just really freaking you out.

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Just to say, in the name of God believe, and in my experience that has always made whatever you know I was.

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Doing with go away.

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I would tell them too that they need to be respectful and they need to. They need to pay attention to their mental health. They don't need to be messing with any kind.

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Of fire whenever.

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They are drinking or messing with any kind of drugs or anything because like that's.

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When people are more susceptible to.

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Bad things. Trying to to get in, you know, touch with them. And like when my daughter passing away. I always wonder, you know, if maybe that that thing that was looking like a woman, if maybe it had reached out to me because I was in a very weakened state, you know what I mean? And so I was just telling anyone that is interested in that, be interested in it all.

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Long, but also understand that there are probably points of it that are stronger than we all are.

00:21:37 Speaker 2

I was just blown away at all the experiences that Jessica and her family had over the years. I really enjoyed the ones about the grandfather and the little Debbie cakes just because she didn't let her kids have Debbie cakes. But Debbie cakes were a staple in my household, so it was just kind of sweet and innocent and almost brought a sort of comfort to know that our loved ones.

00:21:58 Speaker 2

Live on and sometimes come back to visit us. But I will say I hope I never get a visit from the entity from her first store.

00:22:06 Speaker 2

I don't even know really how I feel about it. I'm interested to see what you guys think about that story and maybe what that could possibly have been and why it visited her. And if you have a story that you'd like to share with us, you can reach out to us at the Also make sure you are following us on all social media platforms, TikTok.

00:22:28 Speaker 2

Instagram, Facebook and we hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving and until next time in peace.



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